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Head Hunting

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  • Head Hunting

    Let's get your thoughts on Keith Hayes' latest article, "Head Hunting"!

  • #2
    Head Hunting

    I've been on both sides of this.

    Its a legitimate shot and very effective. If I have nowhere else to hit the ball, you better believe I'm going to go through you. With that said, it has to be that exact situation. The vast majority of the time when I play I have either crosscourt or down the line open so there's never an issue.

    If a player goes head hunting with the intent to injure his opponent or has no interest in even keeping the ball in play, then we will have some serious issues that will be worked out off the court.

    The article shows a video of the infamous Berdych-Almagro point at the Australian Open. Yes, It happened to my TBerd. How will I defend him? I can't.

    In my opinion, both players were in the wrong. Almagro, as hard as he slaps his forehand, had plenty of space down the line to blast it past Berdych. It was not as if Berdych was in a great position to defend himself or directly in the line of fire to require Almagro to hit him. However, Berdych did not act accordingly after being hit. And he did not shake Almagro's hand after the match which to me is a big no-no. Instead, after getting hit, Berdych should have gotten up, brushed it off, literally with his hands in a joking manner, and then after the match (which Berdych did win by the way) shake Almagro's hand and kill him with kindness. The fact that despite getting beamed, he still won a match is enough payback, shaking his hand with a smile on your face is icing on the cake. No harm, no foul, no big controversy.

    I've had guys purposely serve at me while I'm at the net in doubles. I take it as a compliment that they fear me that much they are trying to take me out. Raises my confidence. Truth be told, I served at a guy once in a competitive and fiery doubles match. On any other occasion I would have been ashamed of myself and disappointed in my actions. However, I had an excuse...he played for Ohio State

    Go Blue!!!

    Kyle LaCroix USPTA
    Boca Raton
    Attached Files


    • #3
      Not for recreational tennis

      I play recreational tennis for fun. Intentionally hitting an opponent is poor sportsmanship. Accidentally, fine – it happens in doubles frequently. Go take a martial art if you want to hit someone recreationally.


      • #4
        Sometimes it's the best option and tactically the right thing to do. I'm a nice bloke and I've done it.


        • #5
          Originally posted by rwiener View Post
          I play recreational tennis for fun. Intentionally hitting an opponent is poor sportsmanship. Accidentally, fine – it happens in doubles frequently. Go take a martial art if you want to hit someone recreationally.
          I agree. In recreational tennis rarely does it happen at the singles level. In competitive tennis, that's another story. If I'm playing and I hit at some one, it's certainly because thats the most legitimate and tactically sound shot i could offer. After the point I hold up my hand as most pros do, but not to say I'm sorry. Honestly, I'm glad i won the point and I meant to hit it at you so why would I be sorry. That's disingenuous. I do it to show my opponent I meant no harm and it was a fair play.

          Oh, and the hitting someone recreationally comment...I guess that's why I do MMA

          Kyle LaCroix USPTA
          Boca Raton


          • #6
            Just not while you are thinking about the drives home!

            Originally posted by klacr View Post
            I agree. In recreational tennis rarely does it happen at the singles level. In competitive tennis, that's another story. If I'm playing and I hit at some one, it's certainly because thats the most legitimate and tactically sound shot i could offer. After the point I hold up my hand as most pros do, but not to say I'm sorry. Honestly, I'm glad i won the point and I meant to hit it at you so why would I be sorry. That's disingenuous. I do it to show my opponent I meant no harm and it was a fair play.

            Oh, and the hitting someone recreationally comment...I guess that's why I do MMA

            Kyle LaCroix USPTA
            Boca Raton

            Now I'm worried about you,Kyle. You do MMA?! Just tell me, please, that you don't think about those long drives home when you are getting ready to hit someone!



            • #7
              I promise Don. I'm actually a gentle giant. No anger issues here. The MMA is actually just a fitness thing, but I just happen to know how to break a guy's leg in 3 places in under 8 seconds...but I'd never do it. Just always a good thing to have in your back pocket.

              Kyle LaCroix USPTA
              Boca Raton


              • #8
                I used to track guys as they ran off the court in doubles with my oh, but not anymore, and always now choose not to tag anyone. Just a game and I don't like getting tagged either, when you can put a sitter anywhere, why put it into their flesh?


                • #9
                  Entertaining and somewhat relevant video with 3 of the players mentioned in article on-court:

                  Andy Murray Hits His Coach Ivan Lendl Hard & Celebrates - Queen's Rally Against Cancer Charity Match:


                  • #10
                    That is priceless. A classic moment. Even Lendl knew he deserved it.


                    • #11
                      Thoughts From the Author

                      Thanks for all of your comments! I had a feeling readers would have some strong opinions on this subject, so I'm glad to see people chiming in. Writing an article really makes you think a topic through. After forty years in the game, I've decided that headhunting is, for the most part, bush league. I can understand hitting an opponent in doubles, but even then, you generally want to aim for his feet.

                      In singles, despite what Darren Cahill and other commentators say, I can't think of a single situation where a player has no choice but to aim directly at his opponent. Yes, it's within the rules, but no, I don't believe it's necessary. If you're aim is good enough to hit an opponent, then it's probably good enough to pass him, too.

                      I'm forty-eight these days and I started playing when I was eight. Over the years, I've been stung many times and I've even stung a few opponents of my own. In most cases, I tried to hit opponents out of anger; maybe they hooked me on a big point, or maybe they even tried to hit me first. Whatever the case, I let my emotions get the best of me.

                      The older I get, the more I want to win or lose with class. Life is too short to lose friends over a tennis game.

                      Keith Hayes


                      • #12
                        Point Blank...Bruce Springsteen

                        Originally posted by ejdtennis View Post
                        Andy Murray Hits His Coach Ivan Lendl Hard & Celebrates - Queen's Rally Against Cancer Charity Match:
                        This is what happens when things get beyond stupid. Murray's behavior is that of an idiot. It doesn't surprise me.

                        Point Blank...Bruce Springsteen

                        I have never ever taken a shot at an opponent as in something to be construed as "Head Hunting". Many times I have felt like burying my racquet in the middle of their foreheads. But hey...I'm human.

                        I would much rather put the ball neatly between their feet or otherwise handcuff them. To be honest I think it is because I have a better chance at winning the point. Many times an opponent has made the mistake of trying to hit me but you better be right...otherwise I will turn the tables on you. Or you are going to make a stupid mistake out of misplaced anger.

                        But I remember one time...we were playing our dysfunctional Wednesday night doubles at the Fairlane Club in Dearborn many years ago. One of the boys playing that night was a bit of a loose cannon. Poor guy died of a brain tumor before he was forty I believe. He had a big fat sitter cross court and opposite of me so I just turned my back on him to concede him the point. But he nailed it...on the screws and he planted it in the middle of my back. He was more hurt than I...he always idolized me.

                        I was livid...for a split second. But I took the shot and never even flinched and just strolled back to my position. Of all the reactions that was the one that could scare him the most. To put the fear of God in him. You can't hurt know. I took it up with him later...I know he didn't mean to do it. But you have to control yourself out there. You can hurt somebody. Accidents happen. Why tempt fate?

                        Put the ball at their feet...or right in the middle of the two partners. Destroy their morale and their confidence. Leave the carnage to fate. It's better that way.
                        Last edited by don_budge; 10-02-2013, 02:14 AM.


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