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Classic lesson meet Modern lesson, this is best so far I have any thoughts?

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  • Classic lesson meet Modern lesson, this is best so far I have any thoughts?

    Hello great coaches.

    How are you doing? After going through so many ups and down and still going through.. i have so much help from forum members like great information and ultimately great forum members. Especially Mr Don Budge has been great help for me. Thank you to all..

    This is the idea came up with.. This is based on my experience and information i got from forum members and information from this site.

    My title is Classic Lesson Meet Modern Lesson

    1) at very first, teaching student follow though is very very important.
    This element is emphasized on Classical lesson. Like Mr Welby or Mr Robert Landorp. Having long length on stroke. This element help student to hit the ball very SOLID

    2) Showing getting under the ball is important. This is somewhat emphasized on Modern Lesson for topspin.

    3) Showing wiper swing is more effective that showing low to high over the shoulder. This is modern technique. Low to high swing is great but it just disadvantage for someone hit the ball with spinny and jump really high with lots of pace. If you have low to high swing then you have to take it early or move back. If you know wiper swing then you can hit though ball much easier...

    4) Soon or later I have to show the open stance because wiper swing 's path is more of rotational swing so it will be tough to swing if close stance was emphasized too long. But at first it might be easier to hit.

    5) Emphasizing on flatter contact is better than emphasizing heavy spin. This is emphasized on classical teaching. Actually it is important not to mention huge spin because under the pressure they will just rely on heavy spin to just get ball back and not attack. If they don't know it then they won't use it.
    I believe this can be big debate, but over all flatter shot is more important than spinny shots. For example, 1st serve, volley, slice, put away shots, they are all consider as a flatter shots. And I notice if you learn too much spin then you tend to become more defensive player. Spin is more or less associate with defensive- 2nd serve, hit the ball high over the net, ball will not penetrate as much for most of us (Pros are exception,, but only apply to top Mens' players .. Even Women Pro's do hit faltter )

    6) Emphasizing on Volley and Slice is extremely important and this is emphasized on classical lesson more. Today we still play doubles, and many club players and high school players do play doubles. Therefore, if you do not know how to volley then you are completely screwed. And not to mention about knowing slice. Slice and really can give hard time to heavy spin players or hard hitter because they have to hit it up.

    7) Being aggressive and having racket head speed is very important. This is emphasized on modern game. Since wiper swing generate more spin, it is still important to have racket head speed.

    8) Emphasizing on Volley to be straight line. This is classical lesson and Mr. Don Budge really helped me on this. We see many players do cut down the volley (well, at least look like it) If we were taught this way and under the pressure students' racket go down to the ground and so does the ball..

    9) Not to emphasizing on wrist is extremely important--Pro may use lots of wrist, but if students imitate them then this can get disasters. They lose the most important element of power which is having length on the swing. And most students will hurt their wrist after the lesson. Their wrist isn't really build strong. Especially kids... However, after they got the shape of swing they may start use more wrist for racket head speed but this only happen way later of their career.

    10) Showing students how wiper wok is very important. Which swing will give you more spin or less spin. Wiper swing is very very convenient. With wiper swing you can hit spinny or flatter by just change the degree of wiper. if you want to hit more spin then you just make wiper more steep.

    11) Emphasizing on feel can be very important. I would emphasize the feel to be more flatter contact. As I said earlier this will help many other shots...

    12) Emphasizing on Easter grip is extremely important...This is emphasized on Classical lesson
    It is easier to hit through the ball...later they may change to semi western but that is still okay..

    Today i was reading this magazine about Federer's Return.
    They were talking about his spin rate on his 1st serve return and 2nd serve return. When he returns the 1st serve his spin rate is really low and 2nd serve he put more spin on it.
    Well, most importantly they were talking about where he position himself. When he return he doesn't really move back like Nadal. Since Federer grip is pretty conservative which allow him to move forward and take the ball early.
    this is pretty difficult for Nadal to do because his grip is so under so it takes time to change his grip. Back to federer.. I saw the pictures of how he return his 1st serve. he really he through the ball without any wrist action.
    Therefore, if you have eastern grip and know how to through the ball then you can return like Federer,but if you have Western grip then it would be pretty tough. Just would not have time to change the grip and it get wristy. This is probably one of the reason why many players stay back for return nowadays.. Since there are many have western grip.

    For me this is the best way to teach my students so far. It has changed my students dramatically. I mean I used to blame on my students being not working hard but it is shame to say but I was passing on wrong information.
    Students will listen to you. And if you show the right stuff then they improve really fast. Therefore, coach has so much responsible for their improvement.
    these information came from every where and I put them together...

    Any opinions are welcome

    thank you very much

  • #2
    Roger Federer is the example of Classic meet Modern

    I would say Roger Federer has best of Classic and Best of Modern and he is great example of it. He is very very unique though. It is either he was sent by tennis God or coach who taught him did excellent job.
    these are the stuff amazes me

    1) He has very close to countinental grip on forehand-i mean it is amazing despite fact he grew up on clay.

    2) He generates so much spin.. Almost same as Djorkovic with conservative grip.

    3) With conservative grip he still hit with wiper swing with extreme racket head speed.

    4) I believe that since his grip is more conservative he is much better volleyer and slicer than other players. I believe Classical players , like Macenroe or Sampras, are great volleyer because their grip is pretty close to volley grip and not to mention their stroke is flatter so it is close to volley feel.

    This is side note:

    But it is actually amazing that Djorkovic able to take the ball on the rise like Federer even though his grip is pretty western. And his return position is pretty close to baseline... This is another evidence he knows how to hit though the ball very well. Again, if you don't know how to hit through the ball then you are force to move back and hit the shot because ball has too much pace to put top spin on it and if you do this and if you hit return short then you get punished or give up all the court....


    • #3
      Western Grip will make hard for student to through the ball

      Well, mechanically if you hold with extreme western grip.. well, this is example i use lately to my student. I ask them to hold extreme western and ask them see if you can move your arm forward and i see very uncomfortable site.. I mean arm will not go forward if your palm is very underneath of handle. Then I ask them to hold eastern grip and now they are comfortable moving racket forward.

      Well, many many pros use western grip nowadays... and they can hit though the ball well as well and some aren't too well as others. But my point is starter player will automatically have problem. Starter players aren't professionals who can do anything with any grip. It will be very much wasting time to teach starter player to hit through the ball with western grip.. or probably it will destroy their game from day 1 for good.


      • #4
        Very first 5 lessons can destroy their tennis career

        Now I do believe strongly "Staring Game Correct" is extremely important for student's tennis career. As a result, we coaches have so much responsibility for their tennis career if they are just starting out tennis first time.

        I realize more and more everyday.
        And i do amaze how much starter player remember what he or she learned in first day... they may know remember what I said but their body remember it....

        If you start out correct like Mr.. Landsdorp said you got winning ticket.
        And this is very true..

        Especially with craziness of modern swing and we can make huge mistake on teaching. And there are just so many teaching information out there and they all talk different thing.

        I mean i have just countless book and DVDs of how to teach tennis. Maybe i can make library.. Are they helpful? yes it is if you pick the right ones. But most starter teachers will have hard time putting things together.

        Back to subject... after played tennis for about 3 months.. if they ever picked up some weird habit then it will be pretty tough to change their habit.

        Mr Welby said "Range of correctness" if mistake is within the range then it is okay but I think if student have western grip after staring 3 months is not within the range.


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