Zen and the Art of Archery
Hi don_budge,
I noticed in your post above that you mentioned Zen and the Art of Archery. That is one of my favorite books. I re-read it periodically, and each time I am able to see more application to the game of tennis. I think the concepts of Zen archery particularly apply to the serve. I can go out on an empty court with a hopper of balls and loose myself in the serve. When I am serving my best "It" hits the serve. One would probably need to read the book to understand this reference. On the surface their appear to be many paradoxes like "effortless effort", but they start to resolve when one experiences them for oneself.
Hi don_budge,
I noticed in your post above that you mentioned Zen and the Art of Archery. That is one of my favorite books. I re-read it periodically, and each time I am able to see more application to the game of tennis. I think the concepts of Zen archery particularly apply to the serve. I can go out on an empty court with a hopper of balls and loose myself in the serve. When I am serving my best "It" hits the serve. One would probably need to read the book to understand this reference. On the surface their appear to be many paradoxes like "effortless effort", but they start to resolve when one experiences them for oneself.