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Do pro stock frames and string jobs feel different than public off the shelf?

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  • Do pro stock frames and string jobs feel different than public off the shelf?

    They sure do. The more flexible frames of the pro frames feel very different, as do the higher RA frames. The string jobs also feel different. When hitting with a pro string job you immediately can feel more control and feel. I've owned and played with Head, Wilson, and Babolat pro stock and have used pro tricks to string them. The players who gain the most are the ones with the fastest swings who get the most weight into the ball, ie, elite players. Those players are often more not less sensitive to equipment, than lesser mortals. String is more important than frames nowadays, given an equal take away. Most only feel a little increased control/feel or power depending on which string/tension/frame used and how it's set up: for control, feel, spin or power, and it can be set up for any of those.

    nadals frame
    feds frame
    jokers lead tape
    jokers broken frame
    Last edited by GeoffWilliams; 09-27-2012, 04:21 PM.

  • #2
    spaghetti job with spin a lings
    Feds' string a lings
    pt57 a 1.
    purple O ring luxilon big banger


    • #3
      soderling metal rod
      joker digital scale

      joker frame balance pt 32.8cm

      joker frame lead tape under grommets


      • #4
        joker side by side with stock frame
        delpotro frame


        • #6
          I will take some pics of my babolats later and post them. Pro babolat frames are of higher quality than stock, but don't come siliconized or leaded. Babolat does not have a pro room like Wilson, rpny, or Head. Roddick and Nadal don't use advertised cortex, but still use the frames that don't have the cortex, just the paint jobs of cortex. They prefer the more powerful feeling of the non muted older frames. A pro equipment job just feels clean, powerful, and a cut above normal. It's unfortunate that most of us never get to feel it. Stock jobs feel tinny, and have less margin for error in sweet spot area or in "controlled" feelings if off the mark at all. They also "bite" down more when the ball squashs flat into the string bed. They are designed for very fast swing speeds for max. benefit when pros go all out, as they are more capable of going all out than most of us can. Many also are now using lower string tension like Davydenko and Raonic. Even Fed dropped down to 48.5/46.2 and Roddick dropped down to 57 from 63lbs. Why is that? The new frames can compensate when aligned with pro string techniques and pro string jobs, so that the control is increased, not decreased, when the frame speed is maximized.


          • #7


            • #8
              The JET Method of stringing combined with L-TEC Premium strings provide players with an equipment advantage delivering the best possible on-court results.
              There are 3 major components of the method that should be implemented in unison to achieve optimal results.

              Analyzing and calculating the player’s ideal string bed tension.
              Choosing the best L-TEC Premium string(s) to improve the player’s game.
              Applying the exact set tensions and the JET Method of stringing to achieve the precise overall string-bed tension required by the player.

              There is a very precise methodology and tools that allow the stringer to string at lower tensions. The stringing technique/method preserves the elasticity of the string and ultimately allows the string bed to hold the desirable playing properties for an extended period of time.

              REFERENCE TENSION :

              Twenty-four hours after stringing a racquet the overall string-bed tension will measure from -4lbs to -6lbs lower than the tension that was originally set on the machine.
              After 1 hour of play there will be a further loss of tension of at least -2lbs.
              The JET Method of stringing progressively increases the overall string-bed tension up to 3lbs higher than the SET Tension on the machine for a 16*19 string pattern and up to 5lbs higher for a 18*20 string-pattern.
              Therefore, to obtain a similar overall string-bed tension when using the JET Method, the Reference SET tension should be reduced from -7lbs to -10lbs depending on the machine and the string-pattern. The Reference SET Tension on the machine is much lower, but the feeling of stiffness in the string-bed will be quite comparable. The vastly improved comfort, power, control and spin, as well as the capacity to hold tension and maintain an initial playability for much longer than usual stringing methods, are the most evident advantages of the JET Method of stringing.


              If necessary, carefully use an awl to enlargen the grommet holes on #6 main (16 main pattern) or #7 main (18 main pattern) for tie-off. (This will be either top or bottom depending on where main strings end.)

              Enlarge the grommet hole on the third cross from bottom of frame for tie-off. (Depending on pattern, this can sometimes vary. The objective is to tie-off as close to the 2nd to last cross as possible).

              MAIN STRINGS :

              String first four center mains on each side at reference tension.
              Next 2 (on 16 mains) or 3 (on 18 mains) reduce tension by -4lbs.
              On a 16 main pattern after pulling main #6 skip over to #8. Increase tension +4lbs (to reference tension) before tension. (#8 will be pulled at reference tension). On an 18 main pattern after pulling #7 skip over to #9. Increase tension +4lbs before tension.
              Fill-in main #7 (on a 16 main or #8 on an 18 main) which will be the last main. Adjust tension by adding an additional 4lbs (reference tension +4lbs.)
              Tie off on main #6 (16 mains) or #7 (18 mains).

              CROSS STRINGS :

              IMPORTANT: Each cross string must be held under tension at least 20 seconds before clamping off. We recommend weaving the next cross while the previous one remains under tension.
              Start first three cross strings at same tension applied to the last main string tensioned before tie-off on each side. (+4lbs over the reference tension)
              After installing 3rd cross string, reduce tension -6lbs and install the rest of the cross strings (This will be reference tension –2lbs)
              After stringing 3rd last cross, loop over and weave final cross. Increase tension +6lbs.
              For last cross string fill in second from bottom. Tie off on 3rd cross from the bottom.

     jaycee method
     jaycee method
     jaycee method

     jaycee method
     elongation pdf


              • #9
                The jaycee method only works for tension loss if you use string that is able to take advantage of the method. String tension loss is the bane of every serious player. Although to find a stringer to accommodate this is very hard to do, once you do find one, tension loss is way less of a problem. I've found the best way to fight it is to use string that fights it to start, and to increase tension on the first three crosses top down, and last three crosses at bottom.

                Best tension loss string is gut. Best gut is vs team or touch. Also best for hybrid power and control, with a poly cross with teflon infusion such as l-tec 4s or alu power.

                For power: gut or poly star energy or polyfibre hi tech

                For spin: msv hex 1.10mm, ace 18g 1.12mm, bhb7 for slice, bhbr for top.

                Poly for control: l-tec

                Poly for tension loss: sppp signum strings

                For enjoyment: Buy a pro frame and string for your game with the best combo possible.
                Last edited by GeoffWilliams; 10-01-2012, 07:28 AM.


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