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Increasing confidence in the extension of the impact.

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  • Increasing confidence in the extension of the impact.

    There are several felt extensions on impact. Most don't extend their full body like the pros do, but remain stationary while impacting. Most don't focus their disciplined practice on the mental art of extending, nor the relaxed/tensed modes of extension. Most also don't grunt with power into the impact, or focus on "chi" extension like martial artists do, or like the pros do into impact. Most don't focus on relaxing the upper body vs. the lower body, or the mind's relaxation in order to create more speed/power impact. If you focus on total core rotated speed, if you focus on defending/attacking the impact zone and maintaining that spot as an arc in front of you, with the arc further in at low and high points (as if your arm is barred low or high, straight elbow out in front at impact, regardless of double bend, or full arm bar throughout the stroke, the impact out front should be barred at all times unless jammed), the arc forms a "shield" that's shaped like a roman gladiator shield. To implement a pure focus on impact, for pure speed/power, extension, takes a decision that requires a lot of focus, to maintain full relaxed speed, while keeping that impact zone extended. Flat shots require the ball to be shaped straight ahead, for a longer time than top spin shots do, on a straight ahead trajectory vs. a low to high one, on the impact bed of the strings, and slice shots require a sliding feel downwards, yet still powerful if hit for penetration/skid.

    So it is your perception, felt ahead of time, like a mental unit turn, or like a quarterback visualizing his throw ahead of time, that I am referring to, and its "shape" on the string bed, and its duration of impact time, and its length, its color, its size, the amount of water that it holds, all of the perceived impact, felt ahead of time, that I was referring to, as extension, as focus during practice, as a way of creating certainty of shot before impact.

    Those who are able to master this speed of rotation, only do so through intending to and a lot of practice of extending the impact time far longer than it actually occurs in real time, of time staggering so to speak, by speeding themselves up so much, that the impact slows down for them. All the pros are time staggerers. All are unit turn masters. All are foot work masters. Time flows more slowly for them, as it does for all top athletes, and that is why they make it, their ability to slow/stagger time down to smaller, faster bits than the rest of us can. (Study other sports and you will see the same slowed down phenomena. Jordan hitting a three pointer while levitating slowy up to win the game. Montana slowly double patting the ball before hitting Rice with a lazy pass for 75 yards and no time left. Any big league pitcher staring down batters. Any big league hitter coiling and stepping into his at bat before the ball leaves the pitchers hand.)

    Anybody can do it a little. The ball only stays on the bed for 4/1000th/sec. Blink your eyes. That took 0.35/sec., or 80 full ball impacts would have happened in the time it takes you to blink your eyes, yet, each impact feels far longer even to us hacking nobodys. We are all able to extend time somewhat, and the frame wobbles, fooling us into thinking it's on the string bed longer than it is. The camera does not lie. It shows the strings "grabbing" and "snapping back" into place very fast. Yet, how many of you determine whether or not you have won or lost based on improving your impact extension, relaxation, defense of contact point, speed of core rotation, coil before impact, foot work to set it all up, rather than the meaningless final score?

    Focus on speed of core rotation, defense/attack of impact, extending perceived time, sped up feet, larger coil to start with, and that will take you to the next level. You are already doing it on an unconscious level. Now become aware. Those who fully extend, and fully throw themselves into impact, and fully defend the impact point, and fully focus on core speed are the ones who don't miss while applying weaponized shots. Those who don't miss while pushing, don't throw themselves or extend into impact, but they just focus on defending the contact point precisely, during a more stationary extension, the lull masters, and this is a mode you need as well as the weaponized mode. It's lull-jam-finish.
    __________________ I wrote an article about it, and it's sitting in John's email box somewhere! It's good.
    Last edited by GeoffWilliams; 03-10-2012, 06:58 PM.

  • #2
    I was working on the core relaxed super speed rotation today. Hit some utterly pro style awesome shots for a fat 55 yr. old, with a self taught back ground. Blazing heavy balls deep to the base line off both sides, with triple twist ytex mains, and octo twist crosses.
    This ytex string has great spin and too much pop. Have to cross it with something like cyclone, which has a 7.5 pop rating, or iso speed control ribbon string, or sppp, or another lowered powered cross.

    octo twist triple twist

    vokly cyclone black
    Last edited by GeoffWilliams; 03-17-2012, 06:26 PM.


    • #3
      Geoff, please crop or re-size your pictures in the future.



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