After concluding that I overhit for the hundredth time, I found your Rally Pace article to be helpful and have a few questions.
1. Can can rally pace be based on swing speed rather than ball speed? I ask this because I feel that a faster swing gets me into more trouble than inadequate movement and being more consistent with my swing speed might be helpful.
2. When a practice partner is not around, do you feel that hitting on the wall is a good substitute for practicing rally pace?
3. If rally pace can be based on swing speed, then it seems like it would be a good mentality for serving also. Do you agree? It seems to make sense to not swing any harder than the level at which you can maintain consistency and to apply the +/- 10% idea based on the situation.
After concluding that I overhit for the hundredth time, I found your Rally Pace article to be helpful and have a few questions.
1. Can can rally pace be based on swing speed rather than ball speed? I ask this because I feel that a faster swing gets me into more trouble than inadequate movement and being more consistent with my swing speed might be helpful.
2. When a practice partner is not around, do you feel that hitting on the wall is a good substitute for practicing rally pace?
3. If rally pace can be based on swing speed, then it seems like it would be a good mentality for serving also. Do you agree? It seems to make sense to not swing any harder than the level at which you can maintain consistency and to apply the +/- 10% idea based on the situation.