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Does anybody know what these guys are drinking during the changeovers?
Well don_budge...I found out that Djokovic is using a product called FitLine.
Several weeks ago I had a free sample of this FitLine that someone gave me...that was the day that I pounded the 15 year old kid into next week. Afterwards I couldn't look at his parents. I remember that it took some time afterwards to "come down" from the match. I thought that I felt a bit manic about the whole thing but I didn't put two and two together.
So my source told me that he had bought some of this product and that he was very impressed with the results of his workouts. There is one FitLine drink to use before performing and one drink for afterwards to replenish.
Today I tried it in training with my two guys, Olof and Gustaf, and I was rather impressed. My energy was really good and after using the drink to replenish I feel pretty darned good for an older gent.
I am still very curious what these guys are using. My wife went online and she said that she read that Djokovic has been using this product for about six months. Hmmm...about the same time he went "meteoric".
I will resort to talking to myself if I have to...if it gives results. Here are a couple of links...your link appears to be a product that Nadal is using. But I am really curious now...I wonder what else they are using.