john and all the contributors provide us with beautiful high def videos and analysis of how the game is played at the highest level.
so when a student comes you can accurately see what he is doing "wrong"
but how do you get the student to DO IT????
for example i have taken many lessons. i have had my strokes analysed by video by several pros. they all can point out how my video differs from the pros
bh slice example "you come across the ball too much" or you open up too soon or the ball is too close to you"
but no one has yet got me to correct it completely
how do you get the student to DO IT?? to FEEL IT????
so when a student comes you can accurately see what he is doing "wrong"
but how do you get the student to DO IT????
for example i have taken many lessons. i have had my strokes analysed by video by several pros. they all can point out how my video differs from the pros
bh slice example "you come across the ball too much" or you open up too soon or the ball is too close to you"
but no one has yet got me to correct it completely
how do you get the student to DO IT?? to FEEL IT????