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The Simple Tennnis 101.. Got to see this

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  • #46
    Simple Menu 101 Introduction

    Last edited by chokomakashi; 06-04-2010, 07:24 PM.


    • #47
      Simple Menu Part 1

      Last edited by chokomakashi; 06-04-2010, 07:26 PM.


      • #48
        Simple Menu 101 Part 2

        Last edited by chokomakashi; 06-04-2010, 07:26 PM.


        • #49
          Simple Tennis Machine 101.. Can you enjoy Pressure??

          Last edited by chokomakashi; 06-04-2010, 07:26 PM.


          • #50
            Simple Menu Part 3... Simple Trucking...

            Smith Park.
            3:00PM Sunny
            Machine name: Jonny Taro

            5 min running- was able to run 8 laps

            10 min serve Deuce side-goal.. try to get 20 in row without making mistake only second serve
            Result: 4 highest

            10 min serve other side-same goal
            Result: 2 highest

            10 min volley and overhead... goal.. 30 rally without making mistake... I was at baseline and rally 30 times without make mistake...
            Result 14 higest

            10 min resturn I hit soft serve then hit down the line and come in.. goal is 20 times without making mistake
            Result 5 highest

            10 min return . .. same as above..
            Result 4 highest

            here goes the 1 hour lesson...

            Comment--needs to improve his returning.. service is still weak...but better than last moth.. volley is getting there.. but none of the drill reached our goal....


            • #51

              CHOKO are you trying to corrupt this forum on purpose?


              • #52

                Hello Hollybobo...

                thanks for post... and I takes as a compliment... I guess lol

                You may want to take a break from thread... I do not want to drive you crazy.... I am crazy enough.. =) you know this thread won't open automatically or force you to open when you log in.....


                • #53
                  Do your students know that about you?


                  • #54
                    thank you

                    thank you very much for your post holly.. if you want to know about me.. send me private message =)

                    if you have any tennis question.. will you please post it?

                    thank you


                    • #55
                      the real tennis aficionados/sharks exist on the tenniswarehouse forum. but i know you are a shy fellow right?


                      • #56
                        Simple Warm up 101 Do Not Under Estimate

                        People do under estimate the power of warm up... this improve your skill very very much... When you go tournament... did you have this experience?
                        You player better in 2nd match... even you lose the match.. You left better?
                        It is becasue you already warmed up from first match.....
                        Just like a car... or Machine... it is always good to warm up...
                        Car example.... it is easier on engine when you warm up before you run...and Engine perform so much better when is warmed up... Especially for Cold day.....

                        Simple Warm up you can do....

                        1) Walk 5 min

                        2) Start run 10-15 min... if you can start sweat it is great...

                        3) Stretching....

                        Do it every time before you play and keep truck how you play if you warm up or not warm up... you can experiment yourself.....


                        • #57
                          Simple Choke 101 Part 4

                          Well.. I still do believe tennis match is 100% mental....

                          well.. several common things is that those who play great tennis.. they go tournament weekly basis.... it becomes part of it... they do learn how to deal with pressure.. and that's great.... And what motivate them to do it?

                          it is their dream or motivation... whatever motivation they have...

                          if you do not have motivation.. example ..say if you want to be professional tennis player... you don't mind gonig to tournament every weekend.. because that will help you to make your dream come true......

                          anyhow... so those who don't go tournament and try to over come the nerve .. or pressue... from research depends on how you play does effect your mental big time.....

                          Warning ::::: again.. this is my statics okay????

                          1) if I play too defensive... I choke most under the pressure... Believe or not I can win since i don't make too many mistakes... only against the player who do miss a lot....
                          some reason if you hit the ball too soft arm get tigher more...

                          2) hit the ball as hard as you can.. it does choke as much as hitting the ball soft.. just before the contact.. i get tight since I am ready to kill the ball....

                          3) Let go the racket....about 60-70% of power is probably is the best.....
                          I go like this... loose and let go... this helped most...

                          hitting too slow and too fast.. both won't work for me... in between is good... and I definitely favor of clearn hit first... very less chance I hit the frame...


                          • #58
                            word processor: simple tennis is not simply understood

                            Could you please type your posts in some sort of word processor first and then copy and paste them?

                            I think you are receiving negative remarks because of your spelling and grammar errors. If you want to make sound arguments take the time and edit your posts. Reread your posts out loud and imagine that you are talking to a new student who is about the 3.5 level. This might mean that you post fewer things each week. But, If you don’t form your ideas in a way that audience can understand, your audience will throw rotten tomatoes at your ideas. Even if your ideas are correct.

                            If you take the time to edit your posts it will ease your frustration and the rest of the forum’s frustration.



                            • #59
                              I was waiting for this comment =) Thank you

                              thank you veryu much... Actually I was waiting for this comment...

                              Thank you I mean it.. see.. first good advice in here...

                              I was about to rewrite everything.. and actuallly let this online tutor to correct grammer and spelling... Yes you are very much right about it...

                              Thank you so much.. And I will re-read or let other people read before post here....

                              I was priting out documents here and I saw that a lot...

                              But I appreciate you actually read it.. thank you so much...

                              See.. if I admite something is wrong i will try to correct it.. so people if you have any problem with my method please and please just tell me with evidence...Yes grammer and spelling... too many evidence there lol.. shame on me.. (Well.. may i say one excuse that English is not my first language.. but no excuse ...)



                              • #60
                                Simple Development or Simply Can Not Developed

                                Last edited by chokomakashi; 06-04-2010, 02:03 PM.


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