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The Simple Tennnis 101.. Got to see this

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  • #16
    Simple Tennis 101 Mr. Toni Nadal View....

    From Tennis Magazine January 2009

    Did you read books on tennis or watch videos?

    Mr. Toni Nadal

    "No, I was coaching before. I had some good guys, including one who was the No. 2 junior in Spain for some time. For me, sport is very simple. The concept is easy: Hit the ball harder and closer to lines. But everbody around tennis, coaches, journalists, physios, make things more difficult, not more simple."

    To One of the best quote from one of the best coach in the world who coach one of the best player in the world...


    • #17
      The Simple Serve 101... how we start? how arm move

      Last edited by chokomakashi; 06-04-2010, 07:14 PM.


      • #18
        Simple Serve 101.. how arm works for serve

        Last edited by chokomakashi; 06-04-2010, 09:26 PM.


        • #19
          Simple Compre... Pro and my student

          As I posted this image before.. he hit the serve 1st time.. or 2nd.. I forgot ... but this is how far he came.. I would say pretty similar.... as far as overhead motion


          • #20
            If you wish to learn, I suggest you take time and read the articles on this site. If you don't want to learn, but just promote your ideas, I suggest you start your own site.


            • #21
              I agree here that Phil is making a good argument. Choko you keep telling us we have to look at your teaching as so simple, but simple is not always correct, or simple the way you say it. It is obvious you have little to no understanding of the serve. Also your pictures of the forehand, they have very little turn and no strong left arm position. Your swing is short and compressed. Don't say thank you and continue making these statements. This is only my second post ever but I have read many articles in the last few years with understanding that goes far beyond what you push. I agree with Phil you should learn something before you preach. It is annoying. Please don't say thank you.


              • #22
                Let's not start War.

                Please people.. let's not start the war here...

                Yes no doubt I want to see my idea but if you do not like it.. i am sure many did not like it.. can you please just ignore it.... let's not start the war...
                And if you have really problem.. can you send me private message and I will send it to you... And if Moderator tells me my thread is not acceptable then I will be out... But at this point.. I really do not see any problem of my thread.... if you think my idea is wrong... can you prove it without just saying you are wrong... I mean I need to know the reason with good evidence and if I see that is clear and logical and I will say sorry, but with no reason it is hard for me to admit my stuff is wrong.. say why Serve is wrong or short swing is wrong.... Short swing groung stroke or serve have been done in professional level..I have posted Mariano Puerta's service image....(Quicky about left arm you mention... left arm won't be too big factor for close stance will point more to opponent... yes open stance you need to put that to more on your right side to get turn.. but not as much for those who step into the ball...)
                Again.. it is fine to say my idea is wrong.. but if you said that in my thread can you really give me solid evidence with picutre and diagram..but if you do not want to do that and can you please just ignore my thread? please....At this point.. you said.. you have no idea for serve.. short swing is wrong... I mean... why is EXACTLY it is wrong? I am very curious to know... so those who used in Tour Professional.. are they wrong? but how did they get that far with that stroke?

                Thank you
                Last edited by chokomakashi; 04-23-2010, 12:22 PM.


                • #23
                  Simple Mental Game 101

                  Hello I would like to talk about here is Simple way to get rid of tention of your arm when you play match

                  To me one of the worst enermy in the tennis match is pressure.. or fear....

                  And our body get instantly get tight when there is fear or pressure.....

                  That's when your arm get choke... and racket feels very heavy....

                  Okay here are some solution you can do...

                  1) Try to hit the ball without any tension...
                  2) When you hit the balll our body automatically get tight since we need strength to push the ball back--this is when choke can happen
                  3) Loosen up whole body before you hit...whole body not only arm
                  4) And hit with very loose arm from the start to end... I mean from START to the END
                  5) Helpfull drill---try to aim smaller target when you put smaller target you get more nervous and that's what we want.. If you do not practice under the pressure you will never overcome this or play well in real match....

                  Hope helped
                  Last edited by chokomakashi; 04-23-2010, 10:53 AM.


                  • #24
                    Simple Serve 101 Mariano Puerte French Open Finalist

                    Okay As you can see.. he doesn't even hook tennis
                    ball to the racket.. he bounce the ball and bring
                    racket up right away... And very last frame.. does it look familiar?
                    OVERHEAD motion!!!... except he bends his knee and ready to take off
                    Extremely simple but effective.. He is not the greatest serve in the
                    world but I don't think he hits the serve weak also.....

                    Last edited by chokomakashi; 04-23-2010, 12:07 PM.


                    • #25
                      That has already been pointed out to you. Certainly reading some of the articles would show you clearly. All the forehand and serve articles that are under Advanced Tennis would be some of examples. You seem to have no interest in learning only talking about topics where there is already previous deeper understanding.


                      • #26

                        Okay appreciated...

                        If you do not want to give me specific example.. can you please excuse me Please

                        Just ignore and problem is solve.. You do not have to open my thread... ever again.. and unless you give clear evidence I will not respond your thread....
                        Yet.. I still do believe techniques i demontrates are correct... People think I give very simple stuff so people think I am lazy and do not know anything.. but till get this far.. i have spent so much time and money for it...."The Element" on tennis game.. is to me is the key...not the backswing... just before you make contact is everything...

                        Anyhow.. thank you and please and please excuse me...
                        Last edited by chokomakashi; 04-23-2010, 12:41 PM.


                        • #27
                          If you were really asking to be excused you would go do research and see the evidence for yourself. But for you ignorance is apparently bliss. You have embarassed yourself without knowing it.


                          • #28
                            Simple Drill 101

                            Okay here is good drill will help your game...

                            Many of us usually like to hit the ball from baseline a lot..

                            but this is the drill I really love.... hit many many shots from service line area... so you stand on service line and hit many shot from there and try to get the shot in... so what does this drill help?

                            Well.. to me hitting short ball is one of the most important shots.. if you can hit shot from there 100% you feel lots easier when you move back to baseline...

                            This is what I do.. maybe you can try....

                            1) You stand on service line--instractor or whoever feed the ball to you.. soft...
                            2) You try to make the shot 20 times without making mistake and you have to hit certain target...
                            3) Still hit though the ball--- yes crazy idea.. people think how the heck you can through the ball and make the ball... yes you can as long as you have loose arm and feel for the shots.. of cource you have to adjust the speed but doing this drill you will learn it.. I would say about 20-30% of your strenght.. very loose arm.. and through the ball.....

                            Once you got this better.. Now you run to short ball and hit the target and now instractor feed you the ball so you can hit the volley....

                            Sounds so stupid... but to me.. this is the drill I always do to my student.. if you do not how to handle the short ball well.. then you will have hard time.. certainly if you can not hit the volley you are in trouble....


                            • #29
                              Yawn ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ


                              • #30
                                Simple Diary 101

                                Hello people.. thank you for viewing my thread here....

                                Here are some simple thing will help your game.....

                                Taking notes.... I do prefer to use computer so you won't lose your paper....

                                Use word or Excel to keep truck what happen today or what you did in lesson....

                                Again seems simple and stupid idea but it does help.... if you just play tennis without purpose or goal you never get better you always want to move up your stairs... and not down.....

                                1) What is your goal for this month or week
                                2) How was the match against this person... score...
                                3) what type of shots need to work on.. what is your weakness.....
                                4) How you react in match.. and what would be the best way to overcome the pressure.. everybody is different.....

                                I always keep truck my tennis stuff and my students... it does help.... try it....


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