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  • Well there is free stuff there, and that is what we are indicating.


    • Volley Two Feelings


      This is one of the best pieces of information on the volley I have ever heard:

      “The problem is that many players have one feeling or the other, and apply it on both sides. This means they end up either hitting downward too much on the forehand volley, or hitting through the backhand volley on too straight a line.”

      Great stuff!



      • Appreciate it!


        • Amber Park's Forehand

          What has happend with Miss Amber Park's forehand?


          • Meaning what?


            • any new improvements or changes to her forehand?


              • Not sure--she works with Don in SoCal and I haven't seen her since we did the filming. Knowing Don I would suspect yes.


                • Hi, i have a question about a racket head size. I have been playing for a little less under 1 year or so, and have been using rackets with 100inch head size.

                  I see evryone around here (club level, beginners) usses racket with 98-100inch head size, like its some sort of a standard.

                  Isnt it better to use rackets with bigger head size, especially when you are a beginner?

                  I know Agassi used 107inch, and i am not sure any other pro player usses anything bigger then 100inch.

                  I frame (or off center hit) about 1/5 of the balls i hit, should i try with racket with bigger head?

                  I ask this because its imposible to demo a racket around here, so i have to buy it right away....and i am interested about small vs big racket heads for starters (especially old as i am (27)) philosofy.


                  • That is impossible to answer at a distance. Myself I like 107. but I also like 11oz or a little heavier and head light--this is because I don't hit the ball that hard--at higher levels you do probably need more weight.

                    If you feel late at contact and like the head is dragging, or like you said,
                    you have trouble finding the center of a smaller frame, follow your instincts.

                    Not sure where you are but TennisWarehouse does have a demo program over the internet.


                    • Originally posted by johnyandell View Post
                      That is impossible to answer at a distance. Myself I like 107. but I also like 11oz or a little heavier and head light--this is because I don't hit the ball that hard--at higher levels you do probably need more weight.

                      If you feel late at contact and like the head is dragging, or like you said,
                      you have trouble finding the center of a smaller frame, follow your instincts.

                      Not sure where you are but TennisWarehouse does have a demo program over the internet.
                      I'll seriously think about buying new racket.

                      What do you mean by "head is dragging?? Because whenever i try to hit my forehand, without using wrist, i feal like the head is,well, draging, my hand (palm and fingers) are in front of the racket head at contact (or actually during whole forward swing duration), which gives the ball side spin to the right sometimes (I am a righty).

                      But i gues you cant help me much until i make new videos


                      • Greenwald article re: serve

                        John, Jeff says his first serve percentage (formerly) was regularly below 50%. To fully understand the suggestions you gave him, were most of his misses e.g., in the net? Thanks.


                        • A lot were. Not sure that it is deeply relevant because a better motion is a better motion!


                          • John,

                            My pro just had me switch from a Eastern grip to a Semi-Western and wants me to keep the angle of the raquet through the shot..(he calls it maintaning the edge). He is trying to get me to hit with more topspin, so I can be more consistant.

                            The new grip is a huge adjustment for me, since I have always played with some form of an Eastern.

                            I know without video, you cannot be specific. But, generally speaking, what would cause balls to be smothered and go into the bottom of the net? From the video you have posted, most pro's use a semi western grip, and have the raquet angled through impact.




                            • How western a semi-western? There are at least 4 versions. And the reason to switch is? The blind pursuit of "topspin" ? ( Just a guess...)

                              And you are right without video it could be anything. The answer to any of the below questions could play a role in or cause the problem you describe.

                              how is the turn? when is it complete? Where is the hitting arm at the start of the forward swing?

                              What is the shape of the hitting arm? How soon and how long is this position set up/maintained? How high is the contact point? Where is the contact point in relationship to the torso? What is the incline of the forward swing? Where is the extension point? Is there wiper action and if so how much? Which stance are you using on which balls? How much torso rotation is there and when?

                              I would say the vast majority of even top players hit the vast majority of all forehands with the face vertical or close to it. The close faced works (I am told by physicists) at certain speed levels, contact heights and spin levels.
                              In general it isn't relevant to club play.


                              • John,

                                Thank you for the detailed answer. You've given me a lot of food for thought, especially the blind pursuit of topspin comment. I need to rethink what my goal is in changing.


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