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    Originally posted by johnyandell View Post

    Not sure what that means retained in your profile?? You know this board better than I do... explain it to me and I will take care of it. But it shows right by your name that there 700 plus posts and we don't delete them.


    Haven't set any dates. Waiting to show them off when we go fully mobile.
    Sorry John...I didn't explain clearer. When you go to userprofile by clicking on my username and click on "find all posts" by don_budge you will get perhaps 20 pages and anything further back than that is not in view by the "show all posts" option. Perhaps there is a limit on the number of pages in this option.
    Last edited by don_budge; 11-04-2012, 08:11 PM.


    • OK I'll see if someone can figure it out...they do still all exist in the individual threads however. That would be the way people would view them.


      • What would you think of having a contest once a year where you ask subcribers submit a article. The winner gets their's posted to tennisplayer plus one year free?


        • Not a bad idea. But if you have an article you can submit it without a contest!


          • A possible thread to start?

            Mr Yandell,
            the November issue has a subject
            New in High Speed Archive:

            Mardy Fish: Forehand Return
            Is it possible to have a thread to discuss it?


            • Definitely! Start one!


              • Who do you plan on filming next year at Indian Wells?


                • Hadn't thought that far ahead. Working on portraits of several top men and women. But I am assuming you have someone in mind?


                  • Film


                    Does film deteriorate over time?

                    In the 70's, I watched all the Wimbledon finals on TV. I could see the ball fine back then. These days, if the BBC do a replay of an old final, it's virtually impossible to follow the ball because the picture is grainy, and it's hard to distinguish the ball against the worn, brown grass.

                    As you are a rather good videographer, I thought you might be able to shed some light on the matter? Is it that the film quality simply deteriorates over time?

                    I watched Connors play Ashe in 1975 on TV and saw the ball fine. I watched a replay recently and could barely see a thing. Explain that one?

                    And, by the way, my own eye sight is I can't put it down to that.


                    • Yes it does. I am not a expert on it but what I think you are seeing is actually video not film deterioration which happens as well. Hard to tell though if it is strictly deterioration or whether the problem is generational loss from copying the masters to secondary tape sources--this was a major limitation of the pre-digital era.


                      • I have a quick question about the tennis player archive.

                        As you know we can download the videos to view on quick time. I was wondering if we are allowed to use them to compare to our students and like show them the differences side by side using arrows etc. Of course I'd never republish them anywhere on the web, it's just for technical purposes with students. I just want to check if this is ok or not so I know if I can do it or not?

                        Many thanks once again for all your site and keep up the great work. Enjoy every bit of it.


                        (And a slight extra additional question. Have been searching all over the site for a piece in an article that you wrote about how many fps the eye can see and why high speed video is important for stroke analysis because of this but I can't seem to find it. Does this exist or was I dreaming it up?)
                        Last edited by jryle1; 12-04-2012, 04:29 PM.


                        • For everyone--yes! That's exactly what the clips are for. To help players and coaches. The only limitation is that they cannot be uploaded onto a public web site.

                          The human eye is 20 fps, about. The contact is 1/250 of a sec. The human eye is about 10 times too slow to see what really happens. But 250fps video has the ball on the strings on every shot. 500fps even better.


                          • Thanks for that John.

                            Just curious, what is your own personal approach to teaching tennis? Would you be more focused on "mastering" technique first and then tactics or learning technique through tactics. When I did my Level 1 coaching course last year there seems to be a huge emphasis and shift in the ITF in terms of favouring the Games Based Approach rather than the traditional approach of feeding balls and learning technique the old fashioned way.

                            Personally, I've always believed in technique before tactics because from experience I've seen that people can't execute tactics as well without sufficient technique so the more logical approach is technique before tactics.

                            An interesting discussion really. I was just wondering what your own personal opinion on it is.



                            • Both. It's not an either or. With young and inexperienced kids if they don't play games and have fun they lose interest. The more serious they become the more open they are to technical teaching. Some come in the door asking for that however. You have to use your intuition and when you try technical change that has to be tied to progressive practice and games.


                              • hello!!!!

                                Hello Mr. Yandell, i dont know if there is an article on him yet, but i think Milos Raonic would be a great article and you could help explain the reasons why he went from a nobody to a superstar in just a few months? Thankyou
                                Last edited by sidekicktitan16; 12-30-2012, 08:17 PM.


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