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  • What would be really great would be for users to have the ability to post comments at the bottom of articles.


    • How about just linking that click to a new thread in the forum?


      • Djoko Backhand

        Mr Yandell, I enjoyed the images of the Djoko backhand last month. Do you plan a detailed analysis of the Djoko backhand at some point? It is certainly the hottest shot in tennis right now. It looks like a standard L eastern R continental grip. I am not sure what makes it so exceptional, especially on the high ones against the Nadal forehand. Please enlighten us. Thanks, Pedro


        • Pedro, I will try in the future! Some other good two-handed stuff coming up from Doug Eng.


          • What can be made of the changes in Nadal's forehand?


            • WC,

              I hate you tube because of the blantant widespread piracy and refuse to have a "channel," which is necesssary not to send messages. But will you do me a favor and email that lazer guy and tell him to take down that clip. That is copyright violation and I do not approve.

              As for the changes not sure what changes you think you see?
              Last edited by johnyandell; 08-18-2011, 03:31 PM.


              • Strings, Rebound, Spin and Serves


                Just read your site's excellent pair of articles on co-poly strings, and previously read the book Technical Tennis.

                Q1: If the number of strings rebounding fully is a key factor, is it possible that loosely-strung hybrid set-ups change the cliche' that open string patterns produce more spin? i.e. more strings depressed and rebounding would provide more force?

                Q2: All the studies and slow-motion video you cite describe ground strokes, i.e. depression and rebound of the mains as they move up. How does this apply to serves where the motion of the string face across the ball seems more complex? {i.e. I look at your great slo-mo of Fed's serve as as he rotates his arm outwards, the racquet face seems to be moving sideways across the ball, yet the racquet head is being thrown upwards against the ball.}.

                From a pragmatic standpoint, is stringing to maximize spin on a serve the same or different from that for a topspin forehand?

                Thank you in advance. // jim


                • Direct link to discussions would be great.

                  Originally posted by johnyandell View Post
                  How about just linking that click to a new thread in the forum?
                  That gets my vote.

                  If you simply post a "seed comment" in your forums, you should be able to link directly to that. I believe that would catalyze more discussion.

                  Thanks for listening.


                  • yep. did that with djok fh this month...more to come!


                    • posting a reply


                      I have posted a couple of replies to a couple of posts but my post appears nowhere. What's going on with this? I believe I am registered in the forum as jbill.

                      Can you help me with this? It's a little frustrating.

                      Jim Bill


                      • Jim,

                        I have no idea regarding the string questions--remember I am the guy who sets up one hybrid racket combo and forgets about it.

                        Why don't you post a question Josh in a new thread and see what he says?



                        • jbill,

                          Well this one showed up! If you hit submit reply it should be automatic. Only times I have had that happen is if the internet connection drops or is super slow.

                          Anyone else have an idea?



                          • Double bend

                            John another note on the vertical finish. Does the arm have to form a square when caught with the other hand. Or could the forearm be angled away from the body by about 20 or 30 degrees forming a obtruse square.
                            Last edited by were; 09-02-2011, 03:14 PM. Reason: misworded.


                            • Angled definitely. The box happens when you wiper (sometimes). Yeah 20 to 30 degrees is about right!


                              • Who's online?

                       question is what does this list, Who's online, represent at any given time? If, for instance, you have a list that is four pages long does that mean that all of those people are present on your site at that moment? What does it mean to be a guest? Do people who are not members somehow have an opportunity to access You know me...just curious.


                                Who's Online


                                There are currently 14863 users online. 4 members and 14859 guests.

                                Most users ever online was 139,261 at 09:55 PM on 08-18-2024.
