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  • nytennisaddict
    Originally posted by seano View Post
    John -
    A question about videotaping. Last night I recorded some golf swings from a Top Golf driving range. The club and club head was a little blurrier than I was expecting. I was wondering what the possible causes may be. I always shoot at 240 fps but lowered the shutter speed to 1/340 & 1/640 because of the darkness and increased the ISO to 4000 & 8000. Wondering if you have any advice to get the crystal clear shots I normally get. For outdoor shooting, I normally have a 1/2000 shutter speed and ISO around 340. My camera is a Sony RX100 Mark 4 and takes HD quality videos, thanks.
    Sean O
    side note, i often shoot my kid's soccer, and 1/640 is definitely not fast enough to capture 12y olds running (typically shoot at a min aperture of 1/1000.
    so i suspect there's no way you're gonna capture a golf head travelling 10x faster, without blur unless you're at 1/2000 (ideally faster i imagine).
    only solution to lack of light, if you need to keep your aperture high, is to bump the iso to the max... the canon 5d mark3 for example i think goes up to like 102,000 (i imagine it's super grainy at that iso though)... not all vid equip is capable of that (my old canon 5d for example only goes to 1600)
    Last edited by nytennisaddict; 01-27-2020, 05:21 AM.

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  • johnyandell
    Sounds like you did everything possible. If there is not enough light there isn't enough. I've had similar experiences with indoor tennis courts.

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  • seano
    John -
    A question about videotaping. Last night I recorded some golf swings from a Top Golf driving range. The club and club head was a little blurrier than I was expecting. I was wondering what the possible causes may be. I always shoot at 240 fps but lowered the shutter speed to 1/340 & 1/640 because of the darkness and increased the ISO to 4000 & 8000. Wondering if you have any advice to get the crystal clear shots I normally get. For outdoor shooting, I normally have a 1/2000 shutter speed and ISO around 340. My camera is a Sony RX100 Mark 4 and takes HD quality videos, thanks.
    Sean O
    Last edited by seano; 01-26-2020, 07:03 AM.

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  • johnyandell
    Forever Mine is a favorite song of mine...Shayla is up there too. Thanks DB

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  • don_budge
    Originally posted by johnyandell View Post
    Absolutely brilliant story. Another case of being FC (Fundamentally Correct). In curing most serving maladies you look first at the set up and then the backswing. In John's case his unusual setup promoted a backswing that was seriously off track. John was able to get it back on track. This is pure John Yandell. The 1984 filmings were some of the best tennis art to date. I'm talking about the music videos starring the great John McEnroe and the great Ivan Lendl.

    Oooops...forgot one. Forever Mine...

    Last edited by don_budge; 01-20-2020, 12:45 AM. Reason: for clarity's sake...

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  • johnyandell
    Here is the article about that:

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  • don_budge
    Originally posted by johnyandell View Post
    That thread! Was hoping to avoid the middle of Feb issue but will attempt to put my head around a day or two...
    haha...really? has just sort of morphed into a bit of John McEnroe. Specifically I was curious if you had some thing to share about you collaboration with John with his service issues. Busy...busy...busy. Churning out another great issue I suppose. Thanks...Man.

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  • johnyandell
    That thread! Was hoping to avoid the middle of Feb issue but will attempt to put my head around a day or two...

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  • don_budge
    Originally posted by don_budge View Post
    The racquet head is an extension of the hand. To this everything will be effected in the duration of the stroke. John McEnroe most likely has a somewhat continental grip that somewhat may explain his open racquet face compared to Federer's in the backswing. Interesting question? Anyone else have any thoughts on this?

    Thanks for putting your stuff up on video. You take a chance. But the good news is the swing is coming along nicely. It just needs a little ironing to get the little wrinkles out. Probably imperceptible to most. My eyes are fastidious...they see friction in swings. Swings don't have to be perfect to be effective either. McEnroe has a very noticeable hitch in his backswing but he makes the proper counter moves to correct it in the delivery. johnyandell has some excellent insight into the McEnroe motion...I wish he would weigh in. I might just pose a question to him. He may not be following this thread.

    Looking at your motion I would sort of lean towards some sort of hybrid between the Federer/McEnroe motion. There looks to be a lot of improvement since the last time you posted which reflects a lot of work no doubt. The work is never done it seems with serves and golf swings. There is always a little more efficiency to eek out. Go to work glacierguy...then post an update for us!
    johnyandell...we have a bit of discussion that I would like your input on if you have the time. In the thread "Shoulder rotation and getting to trophy position" I have made some comments to glacierguy with regards to his motion using Roger Federer (your model in the teaching series) and John McEnroe (who you worked with) as models for a somewhat hybrid analysis. glacierguy has posted some nice slo mo videos giving us all the time in the world to look at his motion. Really interesting in what you might say. doctorhl also posed an interesting question about John McEnoroe's service grip that you might have an idea about. Thanks.

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  • johnyandell
    I more or less by this...

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  • nytennisaddict
    Originally posted by J011yroger View Post
    Ok, here goes.

    I have been thinking about how to get this in words and I'm still struggling a little, so forgive me if I jump around a bit.

    Usually when you say something is a continuous motion people think of it as either a steady speed, or perpetually accelerating; but that is not what we want.

    When you breathe your lungs are in continuous motion, it is rare for one to hold their breath, but a focus technique to help you become present is to make yourself aware of the exact moments between inhale and exhale.

    If someone attempts a continuous motion and wants to hit the ball hard they are going to move their racquet too fast in the takeback which will firstly lead to late, rushed preparation, and secondly by going too fast backwards and up the will have to use effort to move the racquet back, and then extra effort to make the turn. All of this causes tightness in the shoulder which will sap speed, inhibit extension, and cause pulling across the body.

    Ideally, you unit turn early and slowly stretching across the torso as you get hip/shoulder separation, and build a little potential energy as your hand is slightly above where it will be at contact. This is where the pause is, the actuality of it or duration is determined by your timing, available time, and your footwork. Ideally it is not a real pause, but a slowdown where the racquet will kind of float along it's path in a sort of zero gravity effect because ok why would you just be standing there with your racquet up in the air waiting for the ball when you could be attacking the ball with you feet and taking time away from your opponent. Fed is a great example, sometimes he is swinging before the ball bounces, no time to waste there.

    From the pause your arm is relaxed and falls into the slot with minimal effort and a little help from gravity, then when your hand gets to the right spot you turn on the gas and swing to the outside of the ball.

    When I watch for timing and this sort of stuff it's much easier for me to see in regular speed as opposed to high speed, you can get a much better feeling for how much everything slows down at "the pause."

    Especially watch warm up videos or practice sessions where the players are hitting slower to find their timing.

    ah, i see what you're saying...
    sounds like i do the same thing, but i don't call it a pause... i'd describe it more as, "my hand stops actively moving the racquet".
    at that point i let gravity take over, and the hand "falls" to below contact height, and basically just hangs on (pulling the racquet with it) to be thrown forward when i fire my hips.

    i think many folks who are arm the ball too much will try to keep hand/arm active throughout the stroke, and try to control the racquet throughout.

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  • johnyandell
    Here is one:

    In general go through the hs archives on fhs and bhs center. Pick the player you like. Look for the player starting the motion after the serve landing inside the baseline. But you may not find as much variation as you assume.

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  • mikebeck
    John: I am looking for any videos or drills that focus on playing the first ball after the serve. That is, after one serves, they often face a deep ball requiring a compact swing. Do you have any video segments that demonstrate this shot (off of a deep return)?

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  • johnyandell
    Ok then.

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  • J011yroger
    Originally posted by johnyandell View Post
    Say your new FH?

    ​​​​​​Sure, I'll see what I can do.


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