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  • ajaxphagura
    I read in number of your articles (bottom) saying you run a tennis school in sf, thats why I asked. Is it now run by your friend Kerry M?? If so can I have his coaching info, I can contact him.



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  • johnyandell
    I don't. I only do video analysis consultations. There are a lot of goof junior coaches--what part of the Bay?

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  • ajaxphagura
    Looking for some coaching for my 12 yrs old

    Hi John, I love your site it is truly very infomative . I was wondering if you give lessons to Juniors around SF Bay Area, recommend one..



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  • johnyandell
    Annthing's possible. We haven't filmed him in the past though and I've never even seen him play a match live. But I'll take a look next time I get a chance.

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  • kvh2000
    great issue

    great new issue john,

    i especially like the kick serve article... and i always get something out of your stroke analysis of the subscribers. this time was no different as you focused in on the footwork.....great stuff.

    i've always thought that vince spadea had very smooth ground strokes. pete fisher (sampras old coach) also coached spadea for a spell, and kinda molded his serve after sampras....i think spadea's serve is pretty nice looking as well..

    any chance you might do a stroke archive page for spadea any time?



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  • johnyandell

    I'll look into the problem!

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  • bobduplicki

    Hello John,

    I'm trying to respond to you regarding my subscription. Whether I email you directly or use, they're getting returned as undelivered. What is a working email address I can use?


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  • johnyandell
    Glad you're looking! I usually post the pub date and we do send out an email. The May issue is up now!

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  • jmhtennis
    looking forward

    Hi John,
    I love your site and I look froward to it every month. I look and look and look, and then about the middle of the month it hits. Instead of having a monthly emag that does not get posted until the middle of each month, what about every 2 months with a large issue that gets to us on time? Just a suggestion.

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  • hairrell
    Now that is what I call service! You have quite the operation here. Its really awesome. Keep it up!

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  • johnyandell
    Definitely. We did get a chance to film part of one match this year and hope to do more in the future. When we have him covered we'll put him up.

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  • hairrell

    Hello, just wondering if you would or have considered Almagro for the stroke archive. He is solid on both wings and someone I would really like to emulate, but I can't seem to find vids anywhere.
    love the site

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  • johnyandell
    Good question but I have only a partial answer. We did develop a limited amount of spin data on Roger's backhand and found that he averaged about 2200rpm, with a rnag oe about 1400rpm to 3200rpm.

    Interesting that's similar to Sampras.

    I'd be careful about lumping Gasquet's backhand with Roger's. There is a significant difference in the grip and swing style and also probably most important, where they try to play in the court. Roger is up very tight on his backhand slide in many instances--Gasquet likes it way back there.

    We hope to do a new analysis of ball speed. The forehand we know now are ranging 90mph and higher-backhands somewhat less. But not sure you can more speed with one or two-that's probably more a player by player deal.

    In general all the shots are going to lose 50% plus of their speed between the rackets no matter how fast initially.

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  • tennisfan04
    One handed backhand versus two handed


    Have you done any studies that measure the speed and topspin of typical one handed backhands of the Federers/Gasquets and compared them to the typical speed and topspins of the best two handers?

    If not, do you recall seeing any article or discussion on that topic? How big is the speed drop off in one handers and do they generate more spin?

    Thanks for a terrific site.


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  • oliensis
    April Issue

    Sorry if I missed an earlier note. Any ETA on the April issue?



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