Sorry to hear about your situation; I don't care if the issues take 6 months to put out; I'll still be here. Anyway, I need some help with my son's backswing. His loop has always been too big, but he got away with it because the balls were slower. Now that he's pushing his way out of level 2 tournements and into level 1b, his loop, which does an awkward and slow twist over his head, is making him late on fast shots and he can't come over the top of the ball in time. The guy I've had my son working with in privates can't seem to fix it any better than I can, and group lessons and match seem top exacerbate the problem because there is no correction. What do I do?
Harry Kingsley
p.s. No rush on reply; my problem is not an emergency
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Have a Question for Me?
Well said Scott Murphy. Thank You. All fans can wait.
John, please take care and take your time coping with this difficult period of life. I'm sure many of us, if not all of us have you and your mother in our thoughts and prayers.
Kyle LaCroix
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I think everyone should just know that John's mom is terminally ill and so he's spending the last days he ever will with her. Makes a late issue of Tennisplayer seem pretty trivial doesn't it? The combined issues of September and October will be as good as ever and in the meantime let's all hold a good thought for John and his mom.
Scott Murphy
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I think its kind of lame that it takes a month and a half for new information, don't get me wrong i think its great, the best site there is, its just slow.
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tech guy who did the logins you can find his email on the uspta site I think
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Who is dan wilson?
Originally posted by johnyandell View Postjulian,
i don't know the answer. why don't you do some investigation for us--it must have something to do with the way you have to log on thru the uspta server. email dan wilson and see what he says.
John Yandell
Sorry for a silly question
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good questions. we are going to start relatively soon with the wide shots.
i'm fascinated with the trajectory/speed/spin thing but we are in the middle of negogiating on the shot spot stuff.
on the stances, since we put up virtually every successful stroke in a match in the stroke archives, you could simply count there by player and have a very accurate estimate by stance. you have probably 20,000 forehands spread over 65 players. It would be nice if people in the forum would team up and do this over time.
posting issue has to wait again. cincy thing was a killer. my girls' high school team is sucking every ounce of my emotional energy (again...) and then there is the small matter of the sept issue.
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i don't know the answer. why don't you do some investigation for us--it must have something to do with the way you have to log on thru the uspta server. email dan wilson and see what he says.
John Yandell
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Another point of view
John, just a thought. I don't think we should focus any less on technique than we are focusing in general on, but I do think we could focus a little more on the result and the positioning and footwork. That is, how high are the players actually hitting the ball over the net. Do they really move in a "V" as in Emilio Sanchez's drill this week on the USPTA site? Or do they in actuality start a little further back and move forward? How much arc is there in the shots of women vs men? Of top 10 players vs 2nd 50 players? Where are the shoulders/hips or feet relative to the intended line of the ball? What percentage of different shots are hit open stanced/square stanced/closed stanced. There are almost enough nuts on this site that if we did a cooperative effort to analyze 20 to 50 matches for each and every ball hit identifying it as a open/closed/square stance, where it was hit, the outcome (weaker, even or stronger in the development of the point), we might be able to do some interesting work. I would be willing to do one match and I imagine that would take me a number of hours to make it all the way through the match stroke by stroke (with some sort of agreed upon guidelines for doing the charting).
As I said just a thought.
PS What about my posting privileges? I have some amazing video for you from LA!
I think you mentioned you had some of the data from "Shotspot" or whatever it's called in this incarnation. Occasionally they show footwork and ball paths, ...but only rarely. I'd love to see a lot more of that data. Everything we base our strategies on seems to be anecdotal.
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yeah i know and have no clue what to do...and may not figure it out for a while...but i will. if you can post to another site, post the link.
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Posting videos
John, I tried to post some updates on Amber's forehand, all under 5MB, but I couldn't post it. Under this account
don brosseau
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