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Volley Two Feelings
This is one of the best pieces of information on the volley I have ever heard:
“The problem is that many players have one feeling or the other, and apply it on both sides. This means they end up either hitting downward too much on the forehand volley, or hitting through the backhand volley on too straight a line.”
Great stuff!
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Well there is free stuff there, and that is what we are indicating.
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Yeah the whole site isn't free. There are some features etc. Eventually we will have one archival match a month free.
They are our partners and have been critical in facilitating our high speed filming at Masters events. So what we are trying to do is reciprocate by exposing our subscribers to
I was a paid subscriber myself before we had any business relationship with them. It's a great resource--easily worth the cost in my opinion.
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Free TennisTV
I clicked on the "Free TennisTV" section, thinking of looking at Verdasco playing in Barcelona, but the site asks for payment.
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Yes I do understand
hello mr. Yandell. I completely understand that... I apologize for that...Last edited by chokomakashi; 04-22-2010, 10:53 AM.
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It's in the articles. Honestly I've seen the way you are operating in the Forum and I have no intention of giving you a response you can use in your various diatribes. Is that clear enough for you to understand?
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I will do that
Thank you...funny that's what I usually say to my student.. do the assignment before you come to class...
well, but i was asking kind of your view... you are agree or disagree with this...
I won't say which instractor but I one of the instractor who is in this website and give tips.. and I know him personally believe that I am crazy that teach this way =) he is very good coach I beleive... one thing I like him is that he is very certain about his teaching... just like you have to do this....
through out my career and took many lessons and he is the only one told me that your teaching is not good and your stroke will break down in the long run... none of other instractor told me this way.... that's why i like him.. his opinion is very solid... I believe instractor who change things around aren't good instractors they have to stick with their believe.. if you don't like then go to other coach.. that kind of stuff....
Anyhow.. just asking your view..thank you
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Why don't you take the time to view my articles about the backswing and answer the question for yourself? There are many possible answers to that question, not one.
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Thank you
Thank you I got it....thanks for kind forum members...
mr Yandell any argument for me being favor of taking racket drop and through? without having loop....
Most instractors very against way of my teaching... any comments on that?
thank you
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hello can you teach me how to post picture here?
hello mr. Yandell can you please teach me how to post picture here?
i saw some member did it but i can't figure it out.. it keep saying to write web address.. thank you very much
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I think it's a judgment call based on your intuition about the person. With my high school team, those kids are all 14 when they start the team and I make it a requirement then--even if they are relatively inexperienced. But the sooner the better. You have to treat it as an experiment and see what the kid does. Even if it doesn't work at first, does it look like it could? The problme is the longer they go with the wrong grip the more ingrained the problems that grip causes in the swing.
Thanks for the great words about the site!
John Yandell
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Hello John,
I joined a month ago, and I have been absolutely amazed by the breadth of information available through your website. I make it a point to set aside a couple of hours each day to read through some articles, most notably under "Mental Game" and "Teaching Systems". I am a 5th yr senior finishing a business degree and has been my #1 source of tennis education. Moreover, I have seen more personal growth as a new tennis coach over the past month than I have seen in the previous 9 months of coaching.
I feel I am seeing great results from my junior players; however one thing lacking is my ability to judge the "point" at which players need to advance to the next level with regard to grip change of the serve. More clearly, in an article entitled "Learning and Perfecting the Serve" Coach Van Horn reminds us of the importance of "stages" and "gradual development". Basically, timing is everything.
My concern? I don't want to be moving a junior player's semi-western serve grip over to a continental grip if, physically, they aren't ready. When I ask one of my student to commit to a change, I want to make sure that it is justified by all means, naturally. In my opinion the service game of my junior players is the area with the most opportunity. Consequently the overhead is a close 2nd.
How do I know if a player is physically, mentally, and willingly able to lay down the beginner grip and move toward a more versatile, long lasting continental grip?
LCLast edited by johnyandell; 04-19-2010, 08:58 AM.
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