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  • ralph

    Every March I take my team to Orlando where my players do a drill session with a pro who runs a few programs. He mentioned to me that one of my players needed more connectivity. It is the first time that I had heard the term. If I understand it correctly, connectivity starts with a unit turn making sure that you keep two hands on the racquet in reference to the forehand. It seems to me that one of the great benefits of the two-handed backhand is that you have to stay connected during the swing and that's why the two hander frequently end ups being a more consistent stroke. Are you familiar with the term and do you have any thoughts about this concept?

    Last edited by ralph; 09-07-2012, 06:05 PM. Reason: clarity

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  • johnyandell

    The 18th and 19th are possible. Why don't you email me at and we can discuss.

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  • johnyandell

    Mobile site!

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  • evikshin

    Hi John,
    I will be in San Francisco from Oct. 18-21. Will you be available for lessons
    during those days?

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  • alexandrafranco
    An app?

    Originally posted by johnyandell View Post
    A few people have also been asking for this. I am being selfish and timing that article to our worldwide mobile site debut...
    Is it an app( mobile site)?
    When is the debut?

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  • johnyandell
    A few people have also been asking for this. I am being selfish and timing that article to our worldwide mobile site debut...

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  • alexandrafranco
    Rick Macci's article

    Brian Gordon mentioned on his last Fh articles, that Macci would have an article on this site on the methodologies of teaching the BEST Fh. Is there an article to be released soon?
    Thank you

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  • sidekicktitan16

    Thanks, i will try

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  • johnyandell
    Figure out another alternative--even if I was willing and able and had the time to get clips the way you describe, I couldn't help you without some type of high speed shutter. iphone does not have.

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  • sidekicktitan16
    Hy Mr.Budge

    Well I will make sure to keep it real haha anyways, yea my coach told me about it. Hes pretty cool and you might know him (james Daily). Yes, im not a teacher (although i live for tennis. Life= tennis and when im home I analyze strokes for fun kinda sad haha) but I do believe this could really help you when analyzing a stroke. The features are: recording videos, watching frame by frame, drawing on the video to point out things, while drawing it shows the degrees to so if your a math geek you could see the angle the top pros bend their arms on a serve or something, and finally you can mirror strokes like putting them side by side. If you do get the app and take a video their is a rotate button if its screwed up by the way. There is a hd version for the ipad to. Last thing, I think there are more video systems but a little more expensive. If you do get the app can i send you a video by phone number or some way. I dont know if you or mr.Yandell want to post your phone numbers on the internet. I dont have any video cameras so it would be the only way for me to show you my strokes. Thanks for everything
    Last edited by sidekicktitan16; 08-26-2012, 07:04 PM.

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  • don_budge
    Hey Kid! sidekicktitan16!

    Originally posted by sidekicktitan16 View Post
    if u could do this it would be cool: i could take close up vids with a iphone and send them to you. Heres the cool thing. If u can, buy a app called Jc video (its 5 dollars) i can send you the video through my iphone and in the app you could go to import then camera roll and click on my vid. There u can go frame by frame, mirror strokes, stuff like that. Its pretty cool and if its alright, can u post ur phone number and i could send u the vid. I think the app could help u to when ur giving a lesson because you can upload a vid and analyse it right on the spot. thanks for ur time and if u post your number i will send u the vids right away. Thankyou

    Interesting stuff! Like the user name. Could you tell me if having an iPhone, an iPad and this Jc app is a good combination for videoing and using as a teaching aid. Do me a favor...spell out "you" instead of using "u", just keeping it real. Thanks for your input and looking forward to viewing your game.
    Last edited by don_budge; 08-25-2012, 11:13 PM. Reason: for reality's sake...

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  • sidekicktitan16
    hello Mr.Yandell

    if u could do this it would be cool: i could take close up vids with a iphone and send them to you. Heres the cool thing. If u can, buy a app called Jc video (its 5 dollars) i can send you the video through my iphone and in the app you could go to import then camera roll and click on my vid. There u can go frame by frame, mirror strokes, stuff like that. Its pretty cool and if its alright, can u post ur phone number and i could send u the vid. I think the app could help u to when ur giving a lesson because you can upload a vid and analyse it right on the spot. thanks for ur time and if u post your number i will send u the vids right away. Thankyou
    Last edited by sidekicktitan16; 08-25-2012, 07:50 PM.

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  • johnyandell
    Keep us posted ok?

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  • sidekicktitan16
    thank you!

    thanks alot

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  • johnyandell
    Sure, send the strokes in. The details of how are in the Your Strokes section. Try to film according to the protocol if you want good feedback.

    As for the rest, the game has multiple dimensions: technical, tactical, mental, physical. I would read thru those classic Jim Leohr articles in the Mental Game section. I would read Allen Fox and Craig Cignarelli in the Strategy section. I would develop a strength and conditioning program. There are two in Physical Training and we are putting up a new series now from Mzrk Kovacs.

    I'd talk any ideas you get over with your coach and get his feedback since he actually knows your game.

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