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  • #46

    I doubt you and I are likely to ever come to agreement on any of this. Your interpretation of events and intentions are just 180 degrees from the way I see it. I'd be lying if I said they are not offensive. So I don't see a productive avenue for further dialogue. That happens sometimes. Onward.


    • #47
      Thank you to both Brian Gordon and Rosooki for contributing your physics knowledge to this post.

      Originally posted by rosooki View Post
      Of course in the end, if you are able to move the heavier mass at the same velocity as the smaller mass, then good for you.
      I thought you were finally going to make my point at the end of your post, but instead you just made a flippant comment like many others here have chosen to do. The main point I've been trying to make all along here is that if a heavier mass moves at the same rate of acceleration (or velocity) as a lighter mass, the heavier mass will contain more force (or kinetic energy) than the lighter mass will. I believe that this additional force is in the form of inertia.

      In tennis terms this means that if a heavy player can swing the racket with the same amount of acceleration (and speed) as a lighter player, he will impart more force (and kinetic energy) onto the ball. Yes, this will take more effort, as BG pointed out earlier, but the effort will be rewarded with a ball that is struck harder. This applies with either the force or the kinetic energy equation, although weight is obviously less of a factor in the kinetic energy equation. This was the essence of what I've been trying to say all along here, but for some reason people are either unwilling to or unable to understand that.

      And although I agree that kinetic energy is very important in tennis, I don't think it's the only relevant form of energy. There's also the amount of force that the player absorbs with his/her arm/s. Anyone who has ever suffered from tennis elbow can tell you that that is a pretty significant force. As you know this amount of force partially determines (along with kinetic energy) how much the racket will decelerate upon impact, which in turn is a factor in determining how much force will be imparted on the ball.

      I think you would agree, especially if you've ever hit a 2 handed-backhand, that this force that is absorbed by the arm/s is significantly greater with the 2hbh, in which the non-dominant arm absorbs the brunt of the force, than with either the 1hbh or forehand. The increased energy absorption in the 2hbh is related to the shorter levers (arms) and slower racket speed/acceleration.

      Since velocity isn't a factor, the amount of force the arm absorbs must be a function of the f = m * a equation, not the k = 1/2 m * a^2 equation. That's why body weight plays an even greater role in determining the force imparted on the ball with a 2hbh than with either a 1hbh or forehand. And, as I've said before, that's the main reason why the massive Nalbandian has such a great 2hbh.

      Also, since mass is a factor in both of these equations (force and acceleration), when John said:

      Intuitively working with players it's obvious the whole weight issue is a non factor, but proving it is beyond my expertise and I am afraid also that of the posters here.
      ... he was wrong.
      Last edited by crass_lawner; 06-07-2009, 11:41 PM.


      • #48
        Originally posted by johnyandell View Post

        I doubt you and I are likely to ever come to agreement on any of this. Your interpretation of events and intentions are just 180 degrees from the way I see it. I'd be lying if I said they are not offensive. So I don't see a productive avenue for further dialogue. That happens sometimes. Onward.
        Ok, that is fine. It's pretty clear, given this from the 3D study results-

        "The goal values presented on the interface are my best estimate (at this time) of the most mechanically advantageous values for a given item. These values were initially set from composites (averages) of several Division I college players."

        - that it has very questionable application to the question of "differences" between elite pro servers and avg. pro servers.

        Not sure how anyone would be offended by that, as the study is probably excellent for it's intended uses.

        Onward is fine.


        • #49
          Mass of the Player is not an issue

          Actually, Crass_Lawner, the mass involved in both equations is the mass at the center of gravity of the moving object. In this case, that would be the point on the tennis racket where the ball strikes it, not the person's body, which is not part of the equation at all. It is the racket's mass that matters, not the mass of the person. The mass of the person may or may not matter for accelerating the racket up to a given velocity depending on biomechanics, skill, strength, etc. but it is not a given that a fat (massive) guy of strength and skill x is going to hit the ball harder than a thin wiry guy of the same strength and skill. If it is not a given, it is not a rule.

          Secondly, the racket may be accelerating through the shot, but there is a specific velocity that the racket hits the ball at at the moment it imparts its energy to it. That is the velocity we are interested in, not the velocity before the hit, or after the hit, or how fast (acceleration) that velocity is changing.

          Ceterus Paribus (All other things being equal) - that's the magic sentence in dealing with holding down complexity in any science, velocity matters much more than mass. Yes, mass matters. Why? Because the ball we are trying to impart energy to has a specific set mass and our racket mass has to be set with that in mind. A supersonic toothpick won't be optimal. There will come a point where the mass is so small that increases in velocity would have to be huge to overcome the difficulties created. So given equal rackets, equal strings, equal arms, wrists, technique, strength, wind, margarine spread on the toast eaten for breakfast, etc. changes in velocity will yield greater changes on results than changes in mass.

          As for my "flippant comment" my point was that one process you might follow would be to find the maximum swing speed your body is capable of in any given situation, then choose the heaviest stick you can swing at that speed - reliably and consistently. If you are really enthralled by mass, try the process the other way around and see how that works for you. My guess is that it won't.


          • #50
            Originally posted by rosooki View Post
            Actually, Crass_Lawner, the mass involved in both equations is the mass at the center of gravity of the moving object. In this case, that would be the point on the tennis racket where the ball strikes it, not the person's body, which is not part of the equation at all. It is the racket's mass that matters, not the mass of the person.
            Seems you get to the heart of the issue here. You seem very sure that the mass of the racket is all that matters. What is your basis for this?

            It seems what you say would be true for certain players and maybe certain swing types,
            but it also seems that some players are able to connect and get some of their body weight involved in the cg of the moving mass. Are you suggesting that is impossible?

            **Please take no offence, as I'm trying to ask simple questions on the issues. Apparently in print, things can be easily perceived as offensive.


            • #51
              I personally don't mind continuing a debate even when things get contentious. If people always stopped debating at that point, then very little of interest would get debated. I find it unfortunate that both John and Brian Gordon say they have given up on this thread, as I don't think it was because of anything that I said, but rather things that someone else said. I also found much of what BG said to be useful and informative. I would be interested to hear what BG has to say about what I type here, but if he has truly given up on this thread due to things that someone else said, then so be it.

              Actually I'm going to make two posts, the first of which is a response to a post that Brian Gordon made earlier. Actually the most encouraging thing I've read here was when you (BG) wrote:

              The torque will over time (angular impulse) cause the body angular momentum to increase and it can then be transferred through the body to the racquet.
              Here you are acknowledging the most fundamental point that I've been trying to make here, since what you are saying (in more scientific terms) is that body rotation allows one to put one's weight into the ball. This is pretty much the most fundamental physical phenomenon in the game of tennis and first John and now rosooki deny it's existence. And not only did John deny its existence, but also claimed that even if it did exist, it wouldn't be significant to understand to understand the physics of tennis.

              So BG surely you must admit that transferring one's energy from one's body to one's racket not only occurs but is the most significant physical phenomenon in every tennis stroke? I'm sure you don't like the idea of contradicting John, but are you willing to deny scientific truth in order to avoid that? And I know you said you were done with this thread, but you said that because of things that airforce said, not because of anything that I said, so wouldn't it be worth acknowledging the truth here? By the way John, I'm sorry if the preponderance of supposedly smart people really are telling you that body mass doesn't matter for a tennis stroke, but just because the preponderance of supposedly smart people tell you something doesn't mean it's true. Especially in an area of study as nascent as tennis bio-mechanics.

              Now that that issue should be settled, I just want to address something that is somewhat less of an issue. This is an area in which I disagreed somewhat with what BG said. You (BG) wrote that:

              The transfer is accomplished via the joints using joint torques and forces and action/reaction. Assuming the that a heavier person is proportionally larger across the board then the transfer at the joints requires more joint torque and force to attain the same acceleration and angular acceleration at each segment in the chain. I believe this is why one typically sees athletes, for which the velocity of distal endpoint (racquet) is a priority, possess long/lean segments rather than massive ones.
              As I said before, I realize that a heavier person "requires more joint torque and force to attain the same acceleration and angular acceleration at each segment in the chain," but my point is, according to the F = M * A equation, a heavier person doesn't even need to attain the same level of acceleration as a less heavy person in order to create the same force. This is why bigger players like Safin and Nalbandian make the game look so effortless at times. And of course, as I've mentioned many times here (and is obvious from the equation), it follows that if a heavier person were to achieve the same level of acceleration as a lighter person (which would obviously require them to use more strength), he would impart more force on the ball.

              I must also point out an obvious flaw in the last sentence in the above quote. The velocity of distal endpoint plays pretty much the same role in baseball as it does in tennis. David Ortiz and Manny Ramirez don't exactly have "long/lean segments." As I said in one of my ealier posts (which I'm getting a sneaking suspicion don't get read in their entirety):

              perhaps if the sport of tennis were just a matter of hitting the hardest two handed backhands that land in the court then most tennis players would look more like NFL linemen, but unfortunately for them a real tennis player must then use that same body to run back and forth and up and down on an asphalt court for hours on end, something that very heavy people would have trouble doing. And I would also guess that just hitting a pro-level two-handed backhand requires a level of precision, flexibility, timing, and balance that many NFL linemen would have trouble with.
              Now I must address the last section of your (BG's) earlier post in which you wrote:

              Therefore, heavier folks will need to be proportionally stronger and work harder to attain the same racquet speed. So… if it is your contention that more weight implies more strength and fitness to the extent that one can repeatedly overcome the inherent inertial resistance to attain greater acceleration for the body and at each link in the chain then your theory holds – this is not what you seem to be saying, however.
              As I hope you can now tell, what you thought was my contention was actually not my contention at all, since a person with more weight will not have to attain greater acceleration than a person with less weight at all. But that should all be clear by what I wrote earlier.


              • #52
                This post is a response to rosooki's last post:

                Originally posted by rosooki View Post
                Actually, Crass_Lawner, the mass involved in both equations is the mass at the center of gravity of the moving object. In this case, that would be the point on the tennis racket where the ball strikes it, not the person's body, which is not part of the equation at all. It is the racket's mass that matters, not the mass of the person. The mass of the person may or may not matter for accelerating the racket up to a given velocity depending on biomechanics, skill, strength, etc. but it is not a given that a fat (massive) guy of strength and skill x is going to hit the ball harder than a thin wiry guy of the same strength and skill. If it is not a given, it is not a rule.

                Secondly, the racket may be accelerating through the shot, but there is a specific velocity that the racket hits the ball at at the moment it imparts its energy to it. That is the velocity we are interested in, not the velocity before the hit, or after the hit, or how fast (acceleration) that velocity is changing.

                Ceterus Paribus (All other things being equal) - that's the magic sentence in dealing with holding down complexity in any science, velocity matters much more than mass. Yes, mass matters. Why? Because the ball we are trying to impart energy to has a specific set mass and our racket mass has to be set with that in mind. A supersonic toothpick won't be optimal. There will come a point where the mass is so small that increases in velocity would have to be huge to overcome the difficulties created. So given equal rackets, equal strings, equal arms, wrists, technique, strength, wind, margarine spread on the toast eaten for breakfast, etc. changes in velocity will yield greater changes on results than changes in mass.

                As for my "flippant comment" my point was that one process you might follow would be to find the maximum swing speed your body is capable of in any given situation, then choose the heaviest stick you can swing at that speed - reliably and consistently. If you are really enthralled by mass, try the process the other way around and see how that works for you. My guess is that it won't.
                First of all there's no way that the mass involved in both equations is the mass of the point on the tennis racket where the ball hits it. The mass of the point on the tennis racket where the ball hits it is the mass of a small tennis ball sized circle of your strings. Perhaps you meant relativistic mass of the contact point, but that's a complicated concept that I'm sure you don't understand (as top physicists today disagree as to its definition and existence) and is surely dependent upon body mass. Or perhaps you meant weight, but weight is only dependent on gravity, not movement, so technically that isn't the correct term. The energy contained in the center of gravity of the racket is best described as simply force.

                Kinetic energy is a very significant component of the force which the racket posesses, but not responsible for all of it. More importantly, any kinetic energy that the racket posesses was imparted onto it by the body exerting force on the racket handle. Therefore even the amount of kinetic energy the racket attains is entirely dependent on the F = M * A equation (given optimal technique of course), and therefore the mass of the body. As for the rest of the racket's energy (that which hasn't been converted into kinetic energy), that comes in the form of elastic energy applied directly through the hand/arm/s holding on to its handle and by extention the player's body, as both I and Brian Gordon have explained, and I explained at great length in my last post. Therefore F = M * A ultimately determines both the kinetic energy and elastic energy that combined equal the racket's total energy.

                Also I should point out that you contradict yourself in the first paragraph. At the beginning of it you say that the person's body is not a part of either the force or kinetic energy equation, but in the third sentence you say that "the mass of the person may or may not matter for accelerating the racket." But that's just a detail. Everything is explained in my previous paragraph. There are other problems with your post, such as your claim that the racket's velocity after contact is meaningless, when in fact the small amount of time that the racket is in contact with the ball (in reality there is no such thing as an instantaneous moment) is actually extremely important, as is the behavior (rate of deceleration) of the racket during this period.


                • #53
                  F = MA again

                  Crass Lawner, I recommend you talk to someone who understands the equation. You are misunderstanding it. There are only three things, the mass 'effected', the acceleration of that mass, and the force needed to accelerate it.

                  You keep misunderstanding the mass to be the mass of the body. If it was, the equation would say that F is the amount of force needed to accelerate the body M by A.
                  Last edited by rosooki; 06-08-2009, 03:12 PM.


                  • #54
                    Mass again

                    So far there has been the assumption that more mass in a player equals more strength, more backstop, more pop, etc. So we should actually be talking about those things instead of mass. We should be talking about the total quality of the machine instead of just the mass of the machine.

                    If we are talking only about mass, the only mass that matters is the amount delivered to the ball, not the total amount in the system. We can imagine a robotic tennis arm made of steel with a racket on the end. The arm currently hits the ball just fine at speed x. Doubling the weight of the arm without affecting the speed the robotic arm swings or any other variable will have a linear effect on the ball if the speed didn't slow down do to the heavier weight - the engine will have to be improved to move the heavier mass at the same speed as before.

                    The arm's mass doesn't matter that much once it has the minimum mass necessary to support the maximum performance of its engine. Increasing the mass after that will only slow it down, since the maximum performance of the engine has been reached. Raising the mass without improving the engine won't be helpful. Conversely, improving the engine without changing the mass will allow a faster swing.

                    We can imagine a wrecking ball on the end of a crane. The mass of the crane only matters in its effect on the wrecking ball – if any. It is the size and speed of the wrecking ball that actually brings down the building. A given wrecking ball imparts a certain amount of energy per hit on the building, and that's the force that matters. Doubling or tripling the size of the crane won't do anything - if you keep the same size engine in it. No one ever considers whether the crane should be as big as the building to more effectively knock it down. Instead they worry about whether the ball should be bigger or should be swung faster. It is the wrecking ball that matters – if I can swing that very fast with a crane the size of a tonka toy, I certainly will. I leave it to you to decide if swinging the wrecking ball faster or making it more massive will be more efficient in knocking the building down.

                    Looking at the specs of ball machines, I can’t see any relationship between the weight of the machine and the maximum advertised speed the ball machine serves the balls at. As technology improves, the machines will probably keep getting lighter until they reach the physical limit imposed by the weight of the tennis balls. At which point they would start to move backwards due to recoil.

                    I’m not suggesting anything is impossible. It may or may not be true that mass matters for a particular player, but it is not a rule. I doubt it is true for me - I'm 6'2" and full of muscles (although I've never smiled and gave anyone a vegemite sandwich), but I have no illusions that doubling my mass would allow me to hit the ball with more power. It would probably make me hit it more weakly. I'm also pretty sure Santoro could dominate me and blow me off the court. If the efficacy of mass depends on the system, it is not a given that more mass is better, and therefore the mass in the body can't be used in any physics calculations - we don't know the relationship of the mass of the body to the effect on the ball well enough to make any sort of equation.

                    Then there’s always the twilight zone – where Murray’s running shots come from.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by rosooki View Post
                      Crass Lawner, I recommend you talk to someone who understands the equation. You are misunderstanding it. There are only three things, the mass 'effected', the acceleration of that mass, and the force needed to accelerate it.

                      You keep misunderstanding the mass to be the mass of the body. If it was, the equation would say that to F is the amount of force needed to accelerate the body M by A.
                      I recommend you read my post. I do understand the equation. In your post I assume you mean the mass 'effected' to be the tennis racket. What I clearly state in my post is that the force needed to accelerate the racket comes from the body (through the hand and the kinetic chain blah blah blah).

                      I don't have time now so I'll respond to your last post later.


                      • #56
                        F = Ma

                        No, I'm saying that there is only one M in the equation. If M is the mass of the player's body then the equation is talking about the acceleration of the body around the court. No other M can be involved, no tennis racket, no ball, no nothing.

                        F = MA describes, for example, how much F is needed to accelerate your car M at a rate of 5 mph/ph. It says nothing about the effect of the car on anything it might hit.


                        • #57
                          Dynamics diagrams

                          Contentiousness gets a little old,but this has been a great thread. It's almost as if we need an outside moderator to put each argument up on a board where we could see all the different arguments simultaneously. It seems as if answers are just slightly missing the questions presented, and yet a lot of information is getting laid out. I'm trying to follow along, but it's tough.

                          When I was in my first basic Dynamics class at Harvey Mudd with Dr. Alford back in 1967, the first thing you had to learn to do was to draw a force diagram. The trick was to include all the forces acting on the body you were concerned with, in this case, the ball. Those forces would be represented by vectors. We were still using slide rules (really!) in those days and now you probably just hit a couple of keys in the appropriate software and the diagram will appear including size and direction in whatever units you would chose.

                          The diagram of the ball would have a vector for gravity and perhaps one for wind. It would also have one that represented the force it carried from the momentum its movement gave it before impact. But at the moment of impact, the key outside force would be the force vector of the racket at the impact point. Also critical would be what portion of that force vector gave lift and what portion gave forward velocity. Except for gravity and initial up and down movement of the ball, the primary movement of the ball after impact will be in a direction perpendicular to the face of the racket in all three planes. The most powerful shots will be where the momentum vector of the racket head is the same as the directional vector of the string bed. I'm getting a little carried away, but that is it in simple terms. The ball doesn't know how heavy the hitter is or how big the racket is. It only knows, and for only about 4 milliseconds, that it has an incoming velocity and direction and is being influenced by gravity and the force at the little bit of the string bed that it is touching.

                          You all know what it feels like to hit a "sweet" shot where the ball just takes off effortlessly and you feel tremendous power with little effort. That happened because you lined up the vector of the racket face and the vector of the momentum of the racket head and they went where you wanted the ball to go (or rather a little above that because of gravity)!

                          I'm going to let someone else take it from there,


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by rosooki View Post
                            So far there has been the assumption that more mass in a player equals more strength, more backstop, more pop, etc. So we should actually be talking about those things instead of mass. We should be talking about the total quality of the machine instead of just the mass of the machine.

                            If we are talking only about mass, the only mass that matters is the amount delivered to the ball, not the total amount in the system. We can imagine a robotic tennis arm made of steel with a racket on the end. The arm currently hits the ball just fine at speed x. Doubling the weight of the arm without affecting the speed the robotic arm swings or any other variable will have a linear effect on the ball if the speed didn't slow down do to the heavier weight - the engine will have to be improved to move the heavier mass at the same speed as before.

                            The arm's mass doesn't matter that much once it has the minimum mass necessary to support the maximum performance of its engine. Increasing the mass after that will only slow it down, since the maximum performance of the engine has been reached. Raising the mass without improving the engine won't be helpful. Conversely, improving the engine without changing the mass will allow a faster swing.

                            We can imagine a wrecking ball on the end of a crane. The mass of the crane only matters in its effect on the wrecking ball – if any. It is the size and speed of the wrecking ball that actually brings down the building. A given wrecking ball imparts a certain amount of energy per hit on the building, and that's the force that matters. Doubling or tripling the size of the crane won't do anything - if you keep the same size engine in it. No one ever considers whether the crane should be as big as the building to more effectively knock it down. Instead they worry about whether the ball should be bigger or should be swung faster. It is the wrecking ball that matters – if I can swing that very fast with a crane the size of a tonka toy, I certainly will. I leave it to you to decide if swinging the wrecking ball faster or making it more massive will be more efficient in knocking the building down.

                            Looking at the specs of ball machines, I can’t see any relationship between the weight of the machine and the maximum advertised speed the ball machine serves the balls at. As technology improves, the machines will probably keep getting lighter until they reach the physical limit imposed by the weight of the tennis balls. At which point they would start to move backwards due to recoil.

                            I’m not suggesting anything is impossible. It may or may not be true that mass matters for a particular player, but it is not a rule. I doubt it is true for me - I'm 6'2" and full of muscles (although I've never smiled and gave anyone a vegemite sandwich), but I have no illusions that doubling my mass would allow me to hit the ball with more power. It would probably make me hit it more weakly. I'm also pretty sure Santoro could dominate me and blow me off the court. If the efficacy of mass depends on the system, it is not a given that more mass is better, and therefore the mass in the body can't be used in any physics calculations - we don't know the relationship of the mass of the body to the effect on the ball well enough to make any sort of equation.

                            Then there’s always the twilight zone – where Murray’s running shots come from.
                            Your wrecking ball example is perfect to show how this is "not" the same as in tennis. The ball is only connected by a cable and gets minimal input into the ball.

                            A over the top, but better example for tennis players who can get their wt into the shot would be a bull dozier that is moving forward, while doing a partial spin with it's skids, then hits something with it's lifting bucket. It's not just the wt of the bucket that is doing the hitting, but the wt of the tractor as well. The hand and arm have the ability to connect to the racket and become apart of it's mass to some extent.

                            I'm not really debating that it's better to be heavier, because the ball is so light it does not matter so much (which I believe is aligned with JY's point about little girls), but I do think your ability to transfer some of your wt to be part of the racket mass is a skill that helps those 90 lb girls knock the socks off.
                            I don't think a racket swung by connecting to my hand with a string at 15 mph will hit near as hard as a racket swung at the same speed held in my hand.
                            Last edited by airforce1; 06-08-2009, 05:44 PM.


                            • #59
                              More on dynamics and the wrecking ball

                              Didn't see the post about the wrecking ball before I wrote that, but I really like that.

                              Sometimes you are trying to teach a student a particular motion and you want them to make that motion in slow motion or at least slower. Usuallly, they end up producing a motion, but not a swing...they stiffen up a little too much. It's always a challenge to get the feeling of swinging the head of the racket head, not just making the motion. I don't have a definition of swing to back this up, but I think it is a lot like that wrecking ball that is on the end of a chain, not a stiff arm. That ball moves, no swings into the target in an arc at the end of the connecting chain, wire, whatever. And we know from math that the end of that string is accellerating as a function of the square of the velocity. This would be true even if the connecting medium was a beam if the beam was being rotated into the target. (of course, the beam would be destroyed along with the target, so that wouldn't be very good for a wrecking machine).

                              My point is, I want my student to imagine the weight at the center of the stringbed (swingweight??) being swung to and through the ball almost as if the racket was a piece of string; i.e. feel the acceleration through the ball to the target...don't muscle it.

                              Also, the point is, when the wrecking ball hits the target, it's not the weight of the chain. It's the speed and weight of the wrecking ball (which has a vector at impact by the way!)


                              • #60
                                For Airforce

                                If that tractor is driving along at 5 MPH and the bucket catches something on the end of the bucket, because of the unforgiving nature of steel, the damage would be proportional in some way to the total weight of the tractor. But there is actually no acceleration. On the other hand as the side of the bucket causes the tractor to spin, let's say such that the actual speed of the outside end of the bucket is 3 MPH, the force applied to something that side of the bucket hits would be proportional to the velocity squared, but with a lot less of the mass and momentum of the entire tractor

                                By the way, there must be a reason I got out of the engineering field and became a tennis pro.


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