The presentation on forehand extension I find very interesting from the teaching standpoint. It suggests that encouraging a player to get one's hand to head height, at the side of the body, and a distance away from the body will promote greater extension. It seems that there is a missing element concerning how the hand gets there. Also, on the website Hi-Tech Tennis, the method promoted there for extension is to pull the butt to contact and then push and lift until extended and then go into the wrap. This Hi-Tech method suggests considerable linear movement of the racquet head through the hitting zone which John's analysis does not seem to include. Also, in the book The Science of Tennis (I hope I have the name right.), one part that I remember stated that the longer one can keep the butt and tip of the racquet moving together through the hitting zone, the greater the chance of hitting a clean shot. Again, John's piece does not suggest this kind of linear movement through the contact area. I guess I need further clarification.