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I have read all the two handed articles. Are the straight/straight and bent/straight really that different technically? To me it feels that the only difference is that on s/s the front hand is even more dominant in the shotmaking then with b/s. What other things seperate Agassi and nalbandian technically? They both seem to have a great ability to change direction of the ball wich i find difficult with the two hander.
No you said it correctly. So far as your backhand goes, there could be many reasons you can't change direction. Probably some missing element in the preparation or timing of the forward swing. But really there is no way for me to say unless you send in some video.
Thank you john. I never ment for this thread to be going in the direction regarding the ability of my own backhand, so don't worry about that. With that being said, Is it for a fact more difficult to hit from inside in/inside out positions with the two hander rather then forehand?. Hitting a cross recived backhand down the line forinstance.