Kick back
The Stich serve has three anomalies:
1 no kick back
2 lands on the right foot (as do Becker and Stotty)
3 strange hand/wrist movement around the trophy position
Kick back seems more violent with those who serve and stay back for obvious reasons. Kick back always just seems part of the run to the net with serve volleyers of the past... is the lack of it all that relevant in the case of Stich.
Lew Hoad has no kick back either...
The Stich serve has three anomalies:
1 no kick back
2 lands on the right foot (as do Becker and Stotty)
3 strange hand/wrist movement around the trophy position
Kick back seems more violent with those who serve and stay back for obvious reasons. Kick back always just seems part of the run to the net with serve volleyers of the past... is the lack of it all that relevant in the case of Stich.
Lew Hoad has no kick back either...