The Fed/ Roddick match up has been pretty tight in the 2 big ones I remember, Wimby (finals?) and US Open with most sets won in tiebreakers. I think it was the last US Open where they met with Connors as coach and I thought Andy had looked great in the loss, but everyone just talked of how Fed dominated. I think I posted about how much improved Andy looked, but everyone just kept looking the past record of like 14-1 or something.
Well you can flip a coin and get a run of 15-0 for heads every now and then, and that is about how close this thing is. Do I think Fed has an edge? Sure, but not so much as the record indicates. Having such a big serve can be a curse too. Often players can't make Andy play out so many points as Fed does, so he is not as battle tested at constructing points under pressure as Fed or Nadal. When Fed is sharp, he can really make Andy uncomfortable, but this match up has been very tight on the court, if not in the record books! And this comes from a guy who has had Fed as a favorite player since before he beat Pete at Wimby. I like Andy as a person, but not a big fan of any part of his game. If I was building a player from different players bests aspects, the only thing I would use from Andy is his interviews.
Well you can flip a coin and get a run of 15-0 for heads every now and then, and that is about how close this thing is. Do I think Fed has an edge? Sure, but not so much as the record indicates. Having such a big serve can be a curse too. Often players can't make Andy play out so many points as Fed does, so he is not as battle tested at constructing points under pressure as Fed or Nadal. When Fed is sharp, he can really make Andy uncomfortable, but this match up has been very tight on the court, if not in the record books! And this comes from a guy who has had Fed as a favorite player since before he beat Pete at Wimby. I like Andy as a person, but not a big fan of any part of his game. If I was building a player from different players bests aspects, the only thing I would use from Andy is his interviews.
