Sasha Zverev Serves: Side By Side
Jim Fawcette shot these really amazing slow motion videos of two of Sasha's serves and here they are side by side!
On the left is a a serve down the T and on the right is a wide serve. Jim has slowed down the video so you can see all the details, and in the wide serve at the end he provides a close up to see how the angle of approach and the angle on contact look for the wide serve.
Would love your thoughts on this fascinating side by side comparison thanks to the extremely talented Jim Fawcette!
Jim Fawcette shot these really amazing slow motion videos of two of Sasha's serves and here they are side by side!
On the left is a a serve down the T and on the right is a wide serve. Jim has slowed down the video so you can see all the details, and in the wide serve at the end he provides a close up to see how the angle of approach and the angle on contact look for the wide serve.
Would love your thoughts on this fascinating side by side comparison thanks to the extremely talented Jim Fawcette!