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Interactive Forum May 2023: Lorenzo Musetti One Handed Backhand

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  • Interactive Forum May 2023: Lorenzo Musetti One Handed Backhand

    Lorenzo Musetti One Handed Backhand

    Musetti and Tsitsipas are the two players in the top 20 with one-handers. Here is Musetti and his is technically beautiful. His grip isn’t super extreme. Preparation and extension are gorgeous, close to perfect. A good model?

    I say yes! What do you guys think? And what about his slice?

    Last edited by johnyandell; 05-07-2023, 05:23 PM.

  • #2
    Certainly it looks like the best of the next group of players coming on, it seems better than Tsitsipas' or Thiem, both the topspin and slice. Probably not as good as Gasquet or Stan, maybe Kohlscheiber the closest match.


    • #3
      This should be a quiet message board this month! Nothing to pick at here this is a beautiful backhand to watch! Looks fun to hit!


      • #4
        A perfect model. My only caution would be the ability of a junior to sequence the motion correctly to avoid the shoulder and wrist deceleration issues that could occur on the long follow through. Obviously, his preparation( including footwork) is flawless and is cost effective in regards to energy expenditure and injury prevention.


        • #5
          Steep approach like the Fed knife slice is beautiful!


          • #6
            Watching this backhand I noticed his left elbow is high and away from his torso as he prepares the shot. I recently started to imitate this high left elbow on my backhand, and it has been very helpful. Previously, my left elbow was too low and practically attached to my torso. Who said an old dog can’t learn new tricks.

            Norman Ashbrooke


            • #7
              Originally posted by ten1050 View Post
              Watching this backhand I noticed his left elbow is high and away from his torso as he prepares the shot. I recently started to imitate this high left elbow on my backhand, and it has been very helpful. Previously, my left elbow was too low and practically attached to my torso. Who said an old dog can’t learn new tricks.

              Norman Ashbrooke
              I like the high left elbow on the backhand as it seems to stabilize things before the forward swing......just like the left arm on the forehand. Thoughts? Or ist it just a personal, irrelevant characteristic?


              • #8
                Interesting stroke, and to be one of the top pros in the world speaks to his game without a doubt. I don't know his speed and spin numbers, but at first look I see his topspin hitting arm prepared well, but possibly I'd like to see his hitting arm tuck in a bit tighter to his body before unleashing it. As I look at Stans and Fed backhands I see this "inside - out" a bit more. As for his backhand slice, the knife is severe and downward. The more severe the downward path, the more severe the face has to open. I think its a very talented shot, but I'm wondering about its difficulty under pressure. The path starts quite a bit above his head and the path creates pace, but it seems mostly to be in the spin realm, and less speed (which is okay). Of course, slice backhands like this, if executed, can work real well. It definitely isn't designed to "drive" through...


                • #9
                  Ohhhhh, I love this! There is something some artsy and beautiful about the one handed backhand. Mussetti had the deep turn, contact appropriately out in front, the balanced finish. Just lovely. The slice is a bit big and wild for me but I am happy to give the benefit of the doubt its an oncoming heavy and fast ball so will give him a pass. I have watched this clip 25 times and have not become tired of it yet.

                  Kyle LaCroix
                  USPTA, PTR
                  Delray Beach, FL
                  SETS Consulting


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by klacr View Post
                    Ohhhhh, I love this! There is something some artsy and beautiful about the one handed backhand. Mussetti had the deep turn, contact appropriately out in front, the balanced finish. Just lovely. The slice is a bit big and wild for me but I am happy to give the benefit of the doubt its an oncoming heavy and fast ball so will give him a pass. I have watched this clip 25 times and have not become tired of it yet.

                    Kyle LaCroix
                    USPTA, PTR
                    Delray Beach, FL
                    SETS Consulting
                    The beauty of the Musetti backhand was on full display yesterday 1st round win over Ymer. When he gets a backhand inside the baseline, he to me is reminiscent of Gasquet the way he can really push his opponent way off the court east/west wise with the crosscourt backhand.
                    Last edited by stroke; 05-29-2023, 04:17 AM.


                    • #11
                      Fognini, playing like a FO contender he is certainly capable of playing like, is up 2 sets to none over FAA.


                      • #12
                        Looks like really good crowds out on all the matches I have tuned in on.


                        • #13
                          It’s very beautiful! As a dad coach and former player and sometime coach, I’m not a big fan of open face preparation, and late closing of the racquet face, with an open face finish. His high racquet take back on his slice is a “tell” what’s coming.


                          • #14
                            It's perfect. I cannot find a thing wrong with it. It's beautiful without being too lavish like some one-handers out there. His footwork and balance are perfect. Probably the best model for a backhand on the tour by quite a way in my view. It's a thumbs up from Stotty.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by stotty View Post
                              It's perfect. I cannot find a thing wrong with it. It's beautiful without being too lavish like some one-handers out there. His footwork and balance are perfect. Probably the best model for a backhand on the tour by quite a way in my view. It's a thumbs up from Stotty.
                              I'd add that unlike some other purveyors of the singleton that I won't mention, Musetti can hit off the short hop under pressure and from inside the court. Lots of hand speed. I only wish he would do that more often instead of drifting back.


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