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Interactive Forum: Sam Querry Forehand

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  • Interactive Forum: Sam Querry Forehand

    This month we continue exploring pro forehand styles, with another look at Sam Querry.

    Last month, we discussed the high jumping pro groundstroke (frequently jumping to shoulder height on shorter players like Coria, for instance) and how that influences the grips and positions of the the players recieving those balls.

    Sam, at a statuesque 6'6" would seem to be capable of playing more of an eastern style forehand if he so desired, being able to contact balls at a lower point on his body than most players.

    Yet, these exclusive clips seem to show him much more western and finishing fairly low. Alot like a Coria for example.

    How do you think Sam's height factors in to his forehand style? Does it work for him or should he be doing something different?

    What about the other parts of his forehand, like the low finish?

    Forehand Wide

    Forehand Center

    Forehand InsideOut

    Last edited by EricMatuszewski; 05-06-2007, 06:51 AM.

  • #2
    Quick Time Versions

    Forehand Wide

    Forehand Center

    Forehand Inside In

    Last edited by EricMatuszewski; 05-05-2007, 01:38 PM.


    • #3
      Seems to me that in the three examples he's using an open stance. In my opinion, its easier hitting with western grip when using an open stance. It's very difficult to impart topspin with an easter grip and an nopen stance.


      • #4
        He has a great double bend and hits the ball well in front of his body. Coming into contact, he has no wrist movement at all. Just the double bend rotating and lifting to the ball.

        Also watch how he opens his shoulders first and then gets the butt cap of the racket pointing at the ball.

        He reminds me a lot of Joachim Johansson because he has very tight, contact preparation (not a big unit turn and relatively low takeback) and gets the butt cap of the racket very close to the ball before rotating the double bend into contact.

        Also based on our last discussion of Djokovic, Querry really rotates his shoulders and torso through and well after contact in the bottom clip.

        Great examples!!
        Last edited by jeffreycounts; 05-08-2007, 12:12 PM.


        • #5
          His shoulder and torso rotation are great. About the finish, it looks similar like Federers. Full rotation and low finishing. He imparts high speed and great topspin. Watching him playing live, seems to me that his weakness is his mobility in the court.


          • #6
            What's interesting to me here are two points that differ from the Djokovic clips as well as most of the other top players.

            One is the use of the left arm in the preparation--Sam doesn't stretch it as hard and as far across. My suspicion is he's is losing energy and velocity there.

            Second and probably related is the extension of the swing. He has a pretty extreme semi-western, probably something like a 4 / 4 and 1/2. In the modern game with this grip the hand and racket turn over for sure during the followthrough.

            But when most players are driving the ball, they also extend the hand further out. Nadal with a grip as extreme or more extreme reaches a point of maximum extension with a lot more spacing between his hand and his left shoulder, as does Djokovic as does Roddick.

            So Sam obviously has good hands, fast hands, and the ability to spin the hell out the forehand. And relative to mere mortals is undoubtedly hitting canon shots. But I think it could get an increment or two bigger without really changing much--just a little more emphasis on a couple of factors that are pretty universal in the pro game.


            • #7

              I agree with you John. The left hand is not streched enough to the side like mostly all the players do. I think he is probably loosing power because he hits the ball a little to close to the body and looses some extension. The left hand seems to be going a bit too far back with the racket what could make him hit the ball late.


              • #8
                I would also agree with John that the extension seems to be a little lacking, when compared to federer or nadal. Though it seems he is able to compensate for that by having quick hands.

                Maybe an article in the future would be to discuss how pros mix and match different hitting arm positions with different grips (for instance, Sampras plays eastern but has a very bent arm, whereas Nadal plays western but is straight arm). It would appear that if maybe Querry made the switch to a straighter arm, he may gain more power. But also because of his greath height and strength, may that extra extension is not needed.



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